India Travelogue Part 1 - New Delhi

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I'm just back from an amazing two weeks in India - I went on a group travel holiday around Delhi, Jaipur and Agra, then into the foothills of the Himalayas. It's an amazing country, full of interesting sights and people, can't wait to go back sometime.

Because it was a group trip I guess the only frustration was that I couldn't always get to shoot what / when I wanted, but here's some stuff I got :

#1 View from our first hotel

#2 The foreman hard at work

#3 The workers had onsite accomodation

#4 Perfect for the post-christmas waistline



#7 Prayers at the Friday Mosque












Great glimpse of another world :)

and the photography is pretty impressive too.
Another simply outstanding set of photographs.

Favourites would be numbers 9, 10, 18 and 20
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Thanks for the comments, it was a real culture shock the first few days, the level of poverty was breathtaking, especially in a country with nuclear weapons and a space program. Plenty more to come.
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Absolutely superb. Duley subscribed
Excellent work - I was there early 2008 and loved it. You've really captured the essence of the place. All cracking shots and a good range of styles too. Well done.
That's it! You've gone and done it now! I'm booking my tickets!! :D

Been umming and ahhing about going for a couple of months now...but I have to see this, now then...who wants to come with? :p

Fantastic series, really captured the place well!
That's it! You've gone and done it now! I'm booking my tickets!! :D

Been umming and ahhing about going for a couple of months now...but I have to see this, now then...who wants to come with? :p

Fantastic series, really captured the place well!

Go for it, I'd go back in a flash if I could.
Great set. I like nos. 8 and 9 most.
Awesome stuff, love no. 8 and 20.
Superb set. Great quality to the images.
Ah these are excellent - Delhi is amazing!

Our first hotel was in a grim location in Delhi when we did the triangle - very eye opening stuff!

Not a duff shot there - can't wait to see more! :)
Top notch. If I had to pick some I'd go for 8,10
Lots of really great images. I still stop by and enjoy the US Road Trip presentation from time to time. Will you be creating anything similar for this trip? :D
Really lovely set of photos these. India has been on my to do list and this just pushes it up the list.
SUPERB I couldnt even dream of a favourite shot here they are all just spot on
Thanks for sharing. I lived and spent a lot of time in India and in Delhi and always like seeing peoples photos.
Not impressed with you going on a 'Group Travel tour' though! :nono: - India is the easiest and most marvellous country to travel.
If you need any help next time give me a shout.

Here is some of my shots from India (see 'Rag Pickers'):

Thanks again for sharing,

I really can't think of any more superlatives to, WOW :clap::clap::clap::clap:
This is an old thread :)

But thanks ...

For those that missed it the first time around ... the slideshow
Old or not, these shots are great - really capture the vibrancy of Asia.

We have family and a home back in the Southern Philippines, I haven't been back since I got my DSLR and now seeing these shots...

I wish I was heading to Philippines next week and not Cornwall :LOL: