Industar-69 2.8/28 Chaika lens on a Canon EOS 650d body?

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Hi all. I recently picked up an Industar-69 lens at a local flea-market very cheap as I'd read somewhere it could be used with my EOS body (with a bit of tinkering). It's a potentially great compact pancake lens so got it on a whim.


I ordered an M39-EOS adapter and hoped for the best - but unfortunately focus is limited to around 3" from the lens, so macro only. There are loads of articles online regarding filing the internals down in order to achieve infinity focussing, but I'm wondering whether I'll get full focal range on it, or whether it'll be fixed at infinity focal length?

There's also talk of using an M39-42 plus M42-EOS adapters in order to increase the distance between the rear of the lens and the 'film-plane' as a way to make this half-frame lens work on a modern DSLR... but can't find out whether this actually works or not!

I'd love to be able to use this lens for street photography etc, if anyone knows a tried and tested method of getting it to work I'd love to hear about it (but if it definitely won't work I'll save it for my Pentax S3).

Thanks in advance, Lee.
it wont focus to infinity on a leica l39mm camera either, its got the same thread as the ltm, but it was made for a much different camera
you could adapt it to a mirrorless perhaps, or alter it for that, but its not worth the effort unless you like its unique rendering
... or you could see if Paul turns up :)

I've been looking for one in M42 mount for my Nexes. I have the Industar 50-2 which is a great little pancake, good fun lens.
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