Installing wordpress to Bludomain, anyone done it without hiccups?

Raymond Lin

I am Groot
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I want to install wordpress into my Bludomain site so the blog reads in the address line at

The problem is that i am unsure where to start, i have read the instructions in wordpress and their famous 5 min installation guide but i have read people have done that and mucked up their site.

Also, i know how to edit my site now, which is currently on the wordpress site, but how do i edit it, add posts etc once its in my own /blog link ?

Many Thanks
Firstly you need to be able to create a mysql database on your hosting. If you don't know what that is then get your host to create one for you. You'll need to know the name, username and password of your database to use for your wordpress installation.

Once you have this and configured (wp-config.php) the wordpress install as explained in the install guide upload it all via ftp to the folder that you want it in (/blog) and then go to and you'll be prompted to install... then follow the instructions. It really is that easy. Play about with it once it is installed and you'll soon figure out how to add posts and things like that. You'll learn more through experimentation that asking on the forums.
And remember, Wordpress is a web application, and like all pieces of software they take time to learn and get familiar with, so be patient and all will become clear :)
I have emailed Blu and they gave me these instructions, most of which i follow until the phpMyAdmin bit, i thought you use a FTP to install wordpress ?


Please take the following steps to create a mysql database in your hosting cpanel:

1. Log into your cpanel. Let us know if you need help with this.
2. Scroll down to the section called Databases.
3. Click on button called MySQL Databases
4. Type the database name in the New database field and click "Create Database"
5. Click "go back"
6. Type a Username in the "Username" field, and type the password twice in the 2 password fields, then click "Create User"

The database and user names would automatically be appended "user_" (user is your cpanel username) on the front, so if you enter database name "test" it would become "user_test".

7. Click "go back"
8 Under Add User To Database section, select the user, and the database that you just created, then click Add.
9. In the permissions area select All permissions, then click Make Changes.
10. Click go The "Home" button in the upper left corner.

The database and user have now been created. To populate the database you will use the tool called phpMyAdmin. This is an advanced feature that you will need to read the documentation for if you don't know how to use it.

Instructions can be found here;
You need to use phpmyadmin to set up the database that wordpress needs, then you use ftp to upload the wordpress files. After that you go to the folder you installed wordpress to to go through the set up process, where you enter the details of the database you set up...