Interesting photo journal of the Aussie bushfires.

Also, no pressure
Good photos but I have to say I am very much in two minds about donating. Australia is a wealthy first world country and donating is just letting their government off the hook. For me it's very different to a natural disaster in a third world country.
Good photos but I have to say I am very much in two minds about donating. Australia is a wealthy first world country and donating is just letting their government off the hook. For me it's very different to a natural disaster in a third world country.
I feel the same as you. As much heart ache as I feel for the people, I am feeling more heart ache for the animals and wildlife. Their habitats have gone for a good while, until it all regrows and that's going to be years. The human population will rebuild and have their homes back, all be it with a lot of their personal items gone.
Far larger area was burned in 1974, though that was the entire season.

Aussie guy next door here moved back last year and said it's only a big fuss due to the areas affected being more where people (now) live, he's about 200 miles from any fire.
ARRGGGHHHH! I hate, despise and loathe websites that present stories like that. Really really HATE them. :mad::bat:


Probably great pictures. Feel sorry for the Australians affected too, with all they're going through right now.
Particularly harrowing clip at the end of that. As time goes on there are going to be more, and worse images coming out of Australia.