Interesting Raincover

............ and them constantly going up and down as you lift your camera to your face and the wind getting underneath them and even, possibly lots of condensation inside. It would have made for some interesting pictures though :D

Yep, the interesting pictures would be OF the togs rather than BY them! :D
Reminds me of those old yellow cycle macs that people used to wear that covered not only themselves, but half the bike too.
............ and them constantly going up and down as you lift your camera to your face and the wind getting underneath them and even, possibly lots of condensation inside. It would have made for some interesting pictures though :D

No no, live view finally has a use!
Interesting idea, I wonder if they do one with pockets in it for biscuits and somewhere to put a mug of tea :LOL:

Imagine the fun that the security guards would have with those though, would be great to go with one just to see their reaction!!
If they throw in a tinfoil hat I'm getting one :LOL: