Interesting work with 'photoshop'

Love it, especially as I don't seem to have the 'creative' gene !
Wow, amazing, wish I was as creative!
Is it just me then? I found these to be very '1970's' - Escher's drawings sprang immediately to mind with most of them...
As a purely technical exercise I can appreciate the skill involved, but artistically I thought they were very 'ho-hum'...
Is it just me then? I found these to be very '1970's' - Escher's drawings sprang immediately to mind with most of them...
As a purely technical exercise I can appreciate the skill involved, but artistically I thought they were very 'ho-hum'...

It is also an article that appeared in many of the papers a year ago and has been "re-discovered".
Very Escher.

I did like the Volvo/Ikea one though.
Some of them were quite obviously Escher-ish. The lego one was good though!

Tempted to give some funky manipulations a go now lol
I love looking at stuff like this but it really does my head in :LOL:

My A level philosophy class were really into Escher last term when we were studying realism :thinking: - I must show them.

Thanks for the link!
Saw a lot of his stuff on Flickr, found him by accident then a few days later 6 or 7 of his photos were on MailOnline! I couldn't believe it but I love them to pieces, the one he has with the Ironing board really is the nuts, I'll have to dig it out again now I stupidly didn't favorite it on Flickr!!:bang:

EDIT: Just clicked the bottom link.. DUH!