Interfit EX150 MII 3 head Kit - any good?

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I've not really played around with portrait shooting, but I've long thought about getting a mini studio and have seen these - the Interfit EX150 MII 3 head Kit.

Is it any good?

Would you recommend it?


Thats good to know - I read a couple of reviews yesterday and took the leap!
Cheap kit, but great to get started with :)

haha, always worrying words "... to get you started" - words that strike fear into the heart of the purse string controller :D
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It will do you fine, and you will learn an awful lot getting to grips with it.

lol, okay now to prove my noobness!

I'm wondering how do you actually trigger these things - will the 60D wireless do it? I saw something about sync cables but wonder how could I work with all three from one cable?

Anyway its all very confusing at the moment, hopefully less so when I actually get my hands on it.
... I saw something about sync cables but wonder how could I work with all three from one cable?....

From the interfit site:
"The Sync lead connection only needs ONE cable to be connected to your camera to the P.C. socket or a hotshoe adaptor.(NOTE) when the flash connected to your camera fire's, the other flash head will synchronize the other flash at the same time via the infra red receptor."

From what I understand you only need to connect the sync cable to one light and when this fires the IR recevier on the other lights will pick up the flash and sync the all the flahes to fire. Just remember to push the sensor on/off the first time to put the other lights into slave mode. I'm not expert but this worked for me.

If you want to go full wireless then you will need a separate set of trasnmitter/receivers.
Hmn, just cracked these beasties out of their box and I'm a little confused.

I quickly found the internal wireless will make the lights flash if set to sensor on, however I'm not convinced they are flashing at the right time as the pics I'm getting just look like the in built flash.
Educated guess - your inbuilt flash is firing a preflash that's setting off your studio flash before the shutter has opened.

You need to disable the pre-flash, if you can. If you can't, you need to find an alternative means of triggering the flash
Cheers Garry, I took a look around and I can't see any way to do that, however I do also have a Nissin Di866II so I thought I would give that a go and while I couldn't get wireless master mode to work and oddly when I connected the sync cable all the heads would flash as quickly as they could recharge I did manage to get it working by setting the Nissin to Manual at 1/128 and lo and behold all working as I would have expected.

Very odd way to work though!