Internet Explorer 9 discussion thread

In IE8 there was a drop down list of all recently viewed pages in the address bar, I can't get that now on IE9 or am I missing something?
there is a little arrow to the left of the refresh button
Yep, I should have emphasised the 'ALL' pages as it seems to only list some of them.
Im not so keen on the way downloads work now, I prefered the old '1 box per download' instead of them all on separate lines in 1 box now.
Other then that, looks and feels nice so far.
Tried it but not really a fan as it feels too much like Chrome so might as well use Chrome? I am not big fan of the new FF either to be honest and it has always been my number 2 browser in Windows after Chrome (number 1 before Chrome).

On the Mac it is Chrome and then Safari.
Im using IE9. Ive always used IE. Briefly dabbled with Firefox but it was a massive resource hog so Im sticking with what I know. Ive found IE9 is pretty damn fast too compared to the IE of old.