Introducing Shadow the Black Lab

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Hi all,

Was cleaning the camera last night when our new found friend decided he wanted some attention.
Here is a bit of a Background Story.

We Found 3 year old Shadow on the beach just up the road from where we live last October on a very cold and wet afternoon. He was sticking, Starving and to say frightened would be an understatement. According to the vet he had been severely beaten (scars everywhere) and from the look of how starved he was would not have lasted more than another few days if we had not found him when we did.

We put an Ad in the window REALLY hoping that someone would attempt to claim him :bat:
but no one came forward. He has now been with us nearly 12 months and with a lot of work and tlc he has really come out of his shell, He got his name because of how he followed my mom around when we first got him.
We still have some way to go with him but really cannot understand how on earth anyone would even want to get rid of him yet along beat him.

One a good note, He is now 30KG of pure muscle due to the constant walks and running and loves to play ball and his teddy (in picture).

Anyway, here are a few photos


What is that you are pointing at me?


Will this do?


Whats it I have had enough now

Thanks in advance for any comments all

Well done for taking him on, so sad to see how people treat animals.
Nice shots