Invisible Screen Tutorial

Phil Tufnell
Edit My Images
Here's how it's done (Mine, Macker's)

Camera Setup
On tripod using remote or self-timer – these can’t be hand-held (best to use a high angle so you can see the keyboard as well).
Shot 1 – laptop screen vertical, straight on, you not in shot
Shot 2 – laptop screen laid back on desk with you in shot with hand(s) on keyboard

In Photoshop
Open both images (& duplicate if you play safe like I do)
Use Shot 2 as above as the background image, create a new layer & copy Shot 1 into it.
Using the erase tool carefully go around the outline of the laptop (very small brush for close work – if you hold down the Alt key from one point to the next it erases in a dead straight line). Then erase the rest of Shot 1. Slide the opacity of Shot 1 down to c40% so you can see where you are going.
Now erase the area you want the screen to fit into. Click a very small eraser brush into the inside 4 corners where you want the “screen” to fit with the Alt key held down – this will erase your outline. Use a larger eraser brush to remove the rest of the screen area.

Inserting the “screen”
Take a screen-shot of your chosen wallpaper/website etc (fn + prt sc on a PC). Paste it into Photoshop & flip it horizontally. Then use the Magic Wand to select areas of the same colour and hit delete. This is the time-consuming bit – for mine I went right down to pixel level. If you use a standard desktop it’s nice & easy.
Create a new layer in your erased version, copy & paste the screen-shot in. Now use the Transform (Ctrl+T) tool (holding down the CTRL key which allows you to line up the corners one by one) to line the screen corners up with the hole you have erased.

That’s basically it – sharpen, curves, anything else you want to do – then flatten the layers & save.

Let's see what you all come up with then!!!
Nice one Phil, :clap:, my technique was pretty similar but I didn't need to reverse the screen of course. I also added a blue filter to the screen itself to make it appear as if you were actually looking through something and not simply into a hole (if that makes sense !), although yours worked perfectly well without it as you had more content showing to begin with.

(Oh, and it took me about an hour longer ! :LOL:)
Will be having a go at this soon, thanks both for sharing your secrets(y)
Thanks for the tutorial, will have to have a go when I've got a spare evening.:)
Excellent tutorial, thanks for sharing that, I'll have to try it when I get home.
My attempt :



Samuel Cox Photography
OK, I had to have a go at this. Here's my effort, which was a joint effort with my son, Alex (in picture).


I like this, good fun !!