Iphone 4 help and question


On the hit list !!!
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in october i recived a new iphone 4 with a rubber case that i bought

it keeps loosing signal or if i talk to some one it looses signal with them yet the bar is full for the signal

where do i stand with the law this is a new phone with the lastest updates

i have noticed it more the last serval weeks
My iphone is crap as well - doesn't get a good signal where the Blackberry good.
i love the phone so much but im thinking next year i will be getting a HTC or blackberry which is a shame

02 just offered me a refurbed unit which im not too please about especialy since it will more than likley have the same fault ??
If its an issue specific to that handset you should be able to get it replaced FOC. Best bet is to take it into an apple store and get them to have a quick peak at it. If its a recurrence of that issue that was widely reported earlier this year then I'm not sure where you stand, but AFAIK that is no longer an issue.
I've got a similar problem with my iphone 4. poor reception, dropped calls, poor 3g connectivity. its a more recent edition with the latest firmware.

Went to the apple store, they spent about 5-10 min checking it and pretended it was all ok. advised to use it for some more time and come back if the problems continue. disappointed!
I've got a similar problem with my iphone 4. poor reception, dropped calls, poor 3g connectivity. its a more recent edition with the latest firmware.

Went to the apple store, they spent about 5-10 min checking it and pretended it was all ok. advised to use it for some more time and come back if the problems continue. disappointed!

this is why i wont be going i know i will be wasting my time
isnt this the issue that was common with most iPhone 4's because of the location of the antenna in the metal strip on the edge. They were giving out free bumper cases which supposedly solved it?
if the phone is only 2 months old you should be able to get a new unit. I know phone companies love to hand out refurb untils if thephone is 6-12 months old but that new should get new one I would have thought. maybe ring up apple customer services and see what they say.
if the phone is only 2 months old you should be able to get a new unit. I know phone companies love to hand out refurb untils if thephone is 6-12 months old but that new should get new one I would have thought. maybe ring up apple customer services and see what they say.

thanks i will do im just hoping it is the phone and not the common issue with the reception

i even got promised the phone wouldnt have the signal fault when i bought it but how do i prove it
if it is the signal problem (which mine has got) then using a bumper of case will stop it. the problem only occurs when your hand creates a circuit between the two aerials.

Good luck though! Apple are usually quite good with things like that to hope you get a new one without too much hastle.
this is why i wont be going i know i will be wasting my time

I had a problem with my Iphone 4 (yellow photos from the camera) and the Apple store gave me a brand new phone within 10 mins of going in. They tried to deny there was a problem but still replaced the phone as a gesture. Apple stores are fantastic for aftersales care in my experience.
Mine's a little rubbish when using it at home, my kids with their Nokias keep taking the mickey out of me!

When I'm working its in a cradle in my van and runs through my Parrot, it's much better but it really does drop the signal an awful lot more than my old Nokia E71.
Signal is pretty good with my iphone, im with Orange.

I do have problems connecting to the internet when not on wifi, seems to take ages to located the web but when it finally gets online its pretty fast.

I had to go to Apple with a freezing problem, booked into the Genius Bar where they tested it and decided to replace it with a brand new one FOC. Was quite happy with the result which was a good job as id done a 70mile round trip to get there.

Im hoping the next firmware release fixes a few bugs though.
Never had a problem with mine in the three months I've had it and much better then the 3G I had before.
all phone companies do is replace within 28 days anything after than then its a repair warranty, thats what we do at work anyway, Apple on the other hand are really good i got my old 3gs replaced within 5 mins.

im glad i didnt get the 4, went for the HTC desire hd which IMO kicks the iphone4's ass
this problem has been around since the iphone 4 came out im sure apple are onto the situation and will shortly be bringing out a patch! As for comparing a iphone to a blackberry is laughable no where near in the same league i know of alot more BB's problems compaired to the iphones occasional loss of signal!
im an iphone4 user and i offcially love it. it replaced my 3g in october and i am more than happy with it. I have previously used blackberry phones which hold no comparison as i never got on with them.

i dont see me being tempted away from the iphone either (well i dont get upgraded for 18months) i tested the HTC desire for work and the interface was not as intuitive as the iphone. Its funny for me to say this as i really used to be very 'anti apple' as i thought the ipod was an overpriced mp3 player - but i am a complete convert and have even been looking at getting a iMac to replace my crappy dell computer.

just my little input

im an iphone4 user and i offcially love it. it replaced my 3g in october and i am more than happy with it. I have previously used blackberry phones which hold no comparison as i never got on with them.

i dont see me being tempted away from the iphone either (well i dont get upgraded for 18months) i tested the HTC desire for work and the interface was not as intuitive as the iphone. Its funny for me to say this as i really used to be very 'anti apple' as i thought the ipod was an overpriced mp3 player - but i am a complete convert and have even been looking at getting a iMac to replace my crappy dell computer.

just my little input


im the same, until i got one, I didnt want one, IYSWIM!
iPhone 4 is known for losing it's signal. The antenna is at the bottom where your hand is. Apple do a case that boosts the signal. Pop into an apple shop and they should give you a case for free.
I can't be without my 3GS and will be upgrading to the iPhone 4.
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dont have a problem with my 4, stick a bumper on and there is no worry.
Mine is a bit rubbish sometimes, but I can live with it. New iPhone this year, weather it be named 4x or 5, so will be upgrading in 4-5 months. :)
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Turn off 3G, my wife found this really helped with her signal it also makes the battery last twice as long..
I had bad signal on mine sometimes, but I live with it as it does everything else superbly.
IMHO turning off the 3G means i cant use the iPhone as it is intended - im forever on the internet, getting push notifications from my apps etc. turning your phone off every now and then (not just to standby) which actually 'closes' apps fully will also mean your battery will last longer!

Also signal issues in the iPhone 4 hardware have been fixed as far as i am aware as Apple are no longer issuing the covers FOC. Obviously you all know that signal issues can be related to your position relative to a mast, your service operator (im on o2 and never had a signal issue in the areas i live, work and frequent!). No mobile operator will guarantee a signal indoors even if you live next door to mast so bear that in mind.

i know plenty of very satisfied iPhone 4 users and admit i must sound like some apple employee right now! just my opinion at the end of the day!
I'm considering upgrading to the iphone 4 from a 3gs. I have a problem with the 3gs; whenever I turn 3g on, my signal drops to being very low. Are there any iphone 4 users here that know if this problem still exists?
Bad batch. Mine has no problems, and if I need to ask anything at Apple in Birmingham the service is great. Even with my old 3G they really offered a lot to help me out.

I love my 4, have no issues with calls compared to any other phone I've have.
Did you buy it online? or signed a contract online? I have heard that some network provider send refurbed phone to customers.
Did you buy it online? or signed a contract online? I have heard that some network provider send refurbed phone to customers.

did it all over the phone and yes they will only send a refurb phone which is distgusting not happy

still having the problem will be making a trip to sheffield soon to speak to them to get this sorted out
I had bad signal on mine sometimes, but I live with it as it does everything else superbly.

im living with it , and yes apps and certainly video is sweet as only thing that made me go fir it was the video

just geting to the point of when my year contract is up (buisness ) i will be getting another phone , as for another iphone unless i know 100 % it works with out this problem i dont think i will be buying a apple but who knows

eventually got to the bottom of this

a very nice tech manager about the 50th person now lol has got this problem resolved

they disconnected the phone and reconnected it again and all is sweet signal is not dropping out now and very happy

eventually got to the bottom of this

a very nice tech manager about the 50th person now lol has got this problem resolved

they disconnected the phone and reconnected it again and all is sweet signal is not dropping out now and very happy

What do you mean disconnected it?