iphotography course.

To be honest, there's nothing on these courses that you can't learn from tutorials on youtube.
I'm nearly finished it, I found the course useful but my knowledge of aperture shutter speed etc would have been virtually nil prior to beginning this course. Most f what's on the course could be got from reading Internet tutorials or you tube etc if you have the money to spare do it if not you'll pick it up from the Internet anyway
No I never made contact with anyone, there are assignments but these are also optional and don't need to be submitted
I signed up for it and enrolled this evening. I'm really looking forward to doing it. Just to improve my photography skills.
I completed the course a couple of months ago and found it quite informative, covering some things I wouldn't have thought of.
For the discount price, I guess it is a good deal. However, the website price of £399.00, is way too high...
I have been working through this course after buying it via Groupon. There's nothing special in the course but it's worthwhile for novice interest value. I've finished all the modules now but the server is now so slow that it is unusable. I can't get my certificate. Many others say the same thing, the server just seems too overloaded to handle the number of users. I certainly wouldn't recommend it in this state.
I was given this course as a Christmas gift and have to say it is the single most frustrating online course I have ever tried to access. Their Server is clearly overloaded and unable to cope with the sudden mass demand created by the Groupon voucher and needs to upgraded. Firstly, I was unable to register and then, when I finally managed to do so I found that that if I came off the sight it would take hours to get back on. Certainly not recommended at this stage.
any links to this cheap course ?