iPod Help

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Hi All,

I am hoping the iPod owners among you can help me with a small problem I have.

I have all my music in separate folders with the album name as the folder name, however when I transfer the music to my iPod it just transfers over the individual tracks and doesn't keep them in there respective album folders which makes it a pain when I want to listen to a particular album.

How can I/do I transfer music to my iPod keeping all the tacks in there individual albums/folders?
For this I have made individual playlists of albums, then transfer them to the ipod. you can then browse through your playlists as albums if that makes sense lol
I think you will need to put them into playlists in itunes for the pod to list them like that.

You can do whole albums at a time - just highlight all tracks from one album and drag them to the left playlist area and it will auto make the playlist including album and artist name.
Have a play about with the settings. Click on


There some tick boxes in there that might help. Try unticking COPY and ARRANGE
Agree with Neil.......... You have to have the songs information correct within iTunes and each song has to belong to an album. That information is then transfered across to iPod devices.

Right click a song and choose Get Info
Click the Info tab (2nd tab)
Fill in necessary information such as song title, artist, album etc
Agree with Neil.......... You have to have the songs information correct within iTunes and each song has to belong to an album. That information is then transfered across to iPod devices.

Right click a song and choose Get Info
Click the Info tab (2nd tab)
Fill in necessary information such as song title, artist, album etc

id also rename various artist albums "artist" fields to the same thing otherwise i find they end up all over the shop
id also rename various artist albums "artist" fields to the same thing otherwise i find they end up all over the shop

Or set the album to be a compilation, and/or use the 'album artist' tag in addition to the 'artist'.
I just allow iTunes to arrange the files when importing CDs - that way the folder structure is //artist name/album. All album tracks are then automatically grouped together.

Then it's just drag & drop to a playlist which is set to synch with iPod/iPhone.

As others have said, you may have to manually check the "Get Info" and group all tracks together to get the desired results with files already in iTunes.
What a PITA!

The iPod is a nice bit of kit but I wish it were more like my old MP3 player, with that you just named the folder what you wanted, dragged and dropped and it kept everything as is
The only issue I have is I have a Human League album (well someone had to buy one :)) and a Squeeze album and whenever I play one of the albums they seem to merge and play one track of each album then another of the other one and so on. :shrug:

Have you got the tracks "consolidated"? Not sure if that causes you issue:thinking:
You need to have all the tracks with the same album name for them to be together. Shift/click all the songs you wish to be in one album, then right click/info. When you have the info window open type the album name in the album line and the artist name in the artist name. They will all now merge into one album.
iPods are a real PITA to use

I just cant get on with mine so I am going to sell it and get a simple cheap MP3 player instead
I just cant get on with it Neil

My music is tagged correctly so I don't know what's up with that. :shrug:
You have set up all the files in iTunes correctly havent you.. (aka they have album names etc...) rather then relying on the folders you have stored in...

(as long as you have the track info all correct etc in itunes, should auto place with everything)

If thats all done sounds like an iTunes fail... just delete everything from itunes reimport.