is it legal to refuse a pregnant woman the toilet


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my wife has just got back from the shops and while shopping she needed the loo very badly

she poped in to quick silver a casino type place and was refused and spoke to like a piece of crap even after she said she was pregnant

are they allowed to do this

i really want to walk in there and shove a piece of paper in the managers face explaining what this person has done is wrong ( im hoping )

are they leggally allowed to do this

wife is very upset and had to hold it till she got back to work

and im ****ed off about it
i think they can, surely they must have had some public toliets though.
I was in a shop with my son who was 3 at the time and we were still potty training and he announced that he needed a wee, so asked the shop keeper and they refused him, asked where the nearest toilets were... a good 15 min walk which is alot to ask a 3 yr old. so i said i said that he will just have to wee outside your shop then, and then they let e use the loo, they said it was because people might shop lift!
if they dont have a toilet for public use i dont think theyre under any obligation to let anyone use them, could be all sorts of H&S red tape letting joe public into private areas etc.
We often get asked if people can use our loo at work which is for staff only. the reason the Public is not allowed is as someone said H&S. but i will say i have never refused anyone.

sorry your wife was treated like this. give the place a ring or thier head office.
she poped in to quick silver a casino type place and was refused and spoke to like a piece of crap even after she said she was pregnant

are they allowed to do this

A casino? yes of course the are allowed.. she wasnt spening money there.. she wasnt a member i am guessing and she doesnt have any rights to use anyones facilities for any reason...if she had to tell them she was pregnant then presumably it wasnt already obvious

the staff should ahve been polite and they should ahve let her use the facitilites "IF" they could see she was pregnant and in need... but should, would, could are all different.. there toilets there rules...
A casino? yes of course the are allowed.. she wasnt spening money there.. she wasnt a member i am guessing and she doesnt have any rights to use anyones facilities for any reason...if she had to tell them she was pregnant then presumably it wasnt already obvious

the staff should ahve been polite and they should ahve let her use the facitilites "IF" they could see she was pregnant and in need... but should, would, could are all different.. there toilets there rules...

well not exactly a casino it is like a amusement place for over 18's but they call them casino's over in the side of the country :thinking:

no membership at all

she is has just over 10 weeks left so the belly is rather big :LOL:

she isnt a big girl so the bump stands out very well at the moment , so if they missed that god help them :LOL:

both sides of the family have had very big babies wife is crapping her self at the though of a big baby lol
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Unfortunately it's a private premises so they can refuse anyone entry, in much the same as if someone knocked on your door to ask to use the toilet. So legally there is no issue.

However, I think they were morally wrong to refuse her the use of the toilet, and sound as if they were simply being belligerent.
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they had customer toilets

so dont see what the big problem was

I assume that's the problem... however I assume 95% us us have popped in John Lewis / Debenhams etc for a wee.......

Why there should be any special exceptions for pregnant or not baffles me (other than the obvious bladder squeezing.....)..........
OT, my funniest encounter was on a bike tour in China. stomach bug kicked in 30 mins out of town on a highway. There are plenty of roadside buildings. Stopped and knocked the door, the owner let me used his. He still looked a bit disbelieved as I've done, thanked him and left.
Another one was on Golmud desert, even worst. Too embarrassed to tell.
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I assume that's the problem... however I assume 95% us us have popped in John Lewis / Debenhams etc for a wee.......

I have nipped into a certain burger establishment in the past just to have a quick Mcsh**.
Ours aren't public but we do let people use at our discretion. We used to be a lot more liberal, but the place was robbed a couple of years back and we're prtty sure that someone had been sent to the toilet in order to suss out the stock room before hand.

TBH in Summer especially it is a H&S nightmare to get to our toilet.
Legally, I'm sure they were within their rights, and I can understand why they don't want people using their customer toilets as public facilities, but that doesn't mean they can't use a bit of common sense and sensitivity.

Department stores are also private places, but the public have generally unrestricted access for the purposes of examining the merchandise and making purchases etc. They really don't have any way of knowing whether you came in just to use the customer toilets, and I don't suppose they would mind in any case.
I'm sure when my wife was pregnant I wasn't legally allowed to refuse anything she wanted!!!

No change since she has had the kids either.......
H & S has been mentioned a number of times - I suppose then it is ok for a member of staff to take a risk, but not a member of the public?
Where I live (Bolton) quite some time BEFORE the goverment brought in its austerity measures, it was decided that public toilets would be closed. Fairly recently the council informed us that we could use the toilets in larger shops. I just wonder if said shops have had a reduction in their business rates?
The only reason I can see for going to McDonald's is for a McDump. I used to have a coffe to self justify using their facilities but don't bother these days. I'm not pregnant (despite my profile but would happily say I was if it meant a difference between me being allowed to use their karzi or being denied access.
If it's the same Quicksilver that has its registered offices in Malta then there is a customer service email address on its website. They haven't done anything illegal but you could fire off a "I know these aren't public toilets but my pregnant wife was rudely turned away in a moment of need - very disappointed/upset/distressed" type email to them and see what they come back with. Hopefully it'll be an apology but you might get a scratch card out of them!

I regularly use the "facilities" of shops, pubs, bars, restaurants etc as when I'm on my feet for long periods with the camera there are often no "public" facilities nearby.

It's obviously "cheeky" to use them but my attitude is that no one suffers as a result so I just walk in and use the facility - the trick is to just walk right in as if you have a perfect right to use the facility and NEVER ask "if you can use" the facility as that is a surefire NO in most cases.

Also if you hear the dreaded words "can i help you" and you are within sight of your target facility then keep walking and pretend you did not hear them :cool:
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The legality of it is going to be governed by local Bye-Laws rather than central parliament - so whether they were actually acting illegally or not would be determined by your Local Authority.
(For example, your LA will decide the number of public loos required in any given area; what ratio of parking spaces retailers have to provide for disabled / mums & babies; which retailers have to provide customer loos and any legislation regarding the right to use them etc, etc.)

But illegal or not it's extremely inconsiderate and bad manners on their part and it's definitely worth writing a letter of complaint.

BTW - for those mentioning peeing in a policeman's helmet. According to the Law Commission, sadly this is no longer in force :(
I'd say she's lucky they didn't say yes and ask to watch! (Or have a secret hidden camera) :nuts:
Stumpy said:
I'd say she's lucky they didn't say yes and ask to watch! (Or have a secret hidden camera) :nuts:

Photo Plod said:
Urban legend, that one.

(the urinating - not the policeman! :LOL:)

Urban legend but was built on truth I thought - that a heavily pregnant woman was allowed to get away with peeing in public and not be able to be prosecuted for it? Not in a helmet per se but could get away with it right in front of a policeman/woman?

Or was it another of our warehouse managers famous untruths?!
Urban legend but was built on truth I thought - that a heavily pregnant woman was allowed to get away with peeing in public and not be able to be prosecuted for it? Not in a helmet per se but could get away with it right in front of a policeman/woman?

Or was it another of our warehouse managers famous untruths?!

Without wishing to divert this thread onto a discussion of the Public Order Act - no, there is no such exemption in law. Whether it would constitute an "offence" would depend on the particular circumstances at the time.

Have a read of it here, if you're interested - but I assure you, your warehouse manager is wrong! :nono:
I regularly use the "facilities" of shops, pubs, bars, restaurants etc as when I'm on my feet for long periods with the camera there are often no "public" facilities nearby.

It's obviously "cheeky" to use them but my attitude is that no one suffers as a result so I just walk in and use the facility - the trick is to just walk right in as if you have a perfect right to use the facility and NEVER ask "if you can use" the facility as that is a surefire NO in most cases.

Also if you hear the dreaded words "can i help you" and you are within sight of your target facility then keep walking and pretend you did not hear them :cool:

The trick to doing most things you shouldn't be doing successfully is to look confident and as if you know what you're doing. Skulking around the edges draws attention to you; marching straight in makes you blend in. This is how I got to see several films on one ticket. ;)

If you find that they point out the sign saying 'Toilets for customer use only', I've always found, "Oh, sorry - I'm dyslexic" (I'm not) works quite nicely.
but I assure you, your warehouse manager is wrong! :nono:

This does not surprise me! Thank you for your knowledge sir! (y)

Ps... Have you ever let a pregnant women wee in your helmet when you were in uniform?! :naughty:
i wouldnt think it was illegal to refuse, but it certainly is unbelievably inconsiderate.
complain. LOUDLY.

was thinking of taking a few lad's in lol

im not small and my friends are all big guys lol

was thinking of several of us sitting around the joint then get the wife to walk in and ask again

when they refuse scare the hell out of them :LOL:

im not really that cruel but i so want to do it and record it :LOL: