Is there too much choice

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Hi all

I have found recently that I keep tending to take far too much kit with me just on the off chance I need it. I use to just take my Fuji x70 and wide angle converter when ever I went on holiday or day trips. But now I keep thinking about taking my Olympus m1 iii with four different lens just on the off chance I may need a bit of extra reach and the 50mp mode it has.

I think it was a lot easier when I had a lot less choice as it made my decisions that much easier. I really like the x70 but as it doesn’t have the high megapixels and stability I keep thinking I may be able to take a better photo with the Olympus.

Sorry about my random ramblings but I’m sure a lot of people are similar to me.

All the best

I suppose it depends what you want to take pictures of.

I'm happy enough with a 35 or 50mm prime so that makes life easy for me. Close up and distance shots might not be possible but something could sometimes be done with cropping and stitching could be an option for some scenes.
I have owned far too many outfits than I care to remember over the years but my main outfit now is an OM1 with various lenses. When I am going out now I tend to take the camera with either the 8-25 or the 12-100 lens, these both offer great flexibility and I find by minimising what I take with me I actually use the camera more.

The MFT format has advantages and disadvantages vs other systems but I find it to be the best compromise of portability and image quality. The OM1 (and the EM1 iii) have some superbly useful features (including the hi res hand held mode) that make then perfect for travel.
I am going on a motorbike to France in June and I shall probably take my D810 and a 50mm prime lens backed up (for convenience because it's small and discrete) by my Fuji X100V which is 35mm (equivalent).

I don't take any zoom lenses as they are so much bigger and heavier and with the quality of the 50mm I can crop to 2,3, even 4 times without significant loss of quality so I'm effectively taking a 50-200mm zoom lens but without the inconvenience. My choice but each to his/her own.
Hi all

I have found recently that I keep tending to take far too much kit with me just on the off chance I need it. I use to just take my Fuji x70 and wide angle converter when ever I went on holiday or day trips. But now I keep thinking about taking my Olympus m1 iii with four different lens just on the off chance I may need a bit of extra reach and the 50mp mode it has.

I think it was a lot easier when I had a lot less choice as it made my decisions that much easier. I really like the x70 but as it doesn’t have the high megapixels and stability I keep thinking I may be able to take a better photo with the Olympus.

Sorry about my random ramblings but I’m sure a lot of people are similar to me.

All the best

I carry a Sony RX10iv and/or a Sony RX100vii and leave my Full Frame and 7 lenses at home. I'm done lugging all that stuff around with me.
I usually just take my Fuji X100v with me, unless it is a specific photography outing.
I tend these days to just take the olympus M1X with 100-400 lens and a 1.4 t.c in my pocket . It’s fully water resistant so no need for bags ,covers etc and the i.b.I.s means no tripods or monopods either .
I think for me photography seems a lot simpler with just a prime lens, my lens of choice is a 50mm covers most bases for me.
For the past 10 years or so I had a Nikon full frame and a Fuji mirrorless as a lightweight alternative for long days out or carrying up hills etc. But recently I’ve sold it all and bought a couple of Nikon Z bodies and 3 Z lenses which gives me the best of both worlds and now I only have to choose whether I take a wide angle or a telephoto (depending on where I’m going and what I’m photographing) on a dedicated photography trip.

For everything else, say a day out with the family or holiday, then I’ll take my Canon G1Xiii - small, unobtrusive and a crop sensor, what’s not to like?
No, its as simple or as complicated as a person makes it.

My sister has been using a Nikon D3200 with kit lens for about 10 years and is happy with it.
I found out years back the more kit I carried the less pics I took (personal shots not work) 3 bodies and 7 or 8 lens was the norm. Now my back has taken out an injunction on me carrying that much kit so I find most of my shots are a crop body with an 18-250mm zoom, ok qualities never going to match FF and primes but it's good enough for what I want.
The reason I think I took less shots was you'd see a shot, then change lens, take shot see another shot, have to change lens and think is that shot worth changing lens? No cant be arsed, shot not taken.
I fell into this trap for a while, until I made a clear decision as to what I wanted to shoot and what I wanted to get from taking my camera with me. Sport aside (where I have loads of gear) if I'm traveling, it's all about people. Consequently, I take a FF body (either a 1dx II or D5) and 3 primes (maybe 4 on canon) those consist of: 50, 85, 135 and 200. The 200 f/2's are huge, heavy and awkward to move about, but.... the results are simply stunning and if I've made the trip to see those special to me, they deserve the best.
This reminds me of one of the Fototripper videos where they were out walking along in the snow (Gavin, Adam Gibbs and another two) and the discussion came up as to what they all carried. This was back when Gibbs was still shooting with a D850. He said he takes his D850 and a 24-120mm f/4, it's a good lens, not a great lens, but it is good enough to get the job done.

Since then, I've been looking to reduce the amount of kit that I carry, thankfully my main camera and backup are both Nikon (D610 and D7500) that means using the FX lens on the DX body is not an issue, it also uses the same batteries, so no need for a second charger and I only need to carry 1 extra battery. All of this saves quite a bit of bulk and weight compared to having to use two different systems.
It's funny that most of carry extra batteries, however, have you every exhausted a genuine Nikon battery from full charge in a day??

I find they last an eternity haha - I remember shooting my D5 for skiing, worried about the battery life due to the cold etc. I shot close to 2000 images I think, and the battery was at 68% or something stupid like that. Amazing cameras
I have plenty of cameras. :naughty:

I also have plenty of bags. The cameras for a particular use go into a suitable bag and are readily to hand when I want them. All I need do is take the appropriate outfit...

Panasonic G2 cameras on Lowepro bag E-PL1 10102.jpg
Once you are old this problem will be settled. You will not be able to carry so much kit so will make decisions in advance. I usually have a good idea of what I will photograph so know what to take. For example, I have to go into the town later this morning so will just carry my phone and keep an eye out for any attractive street shot. Later this afternoon, Plan to visit a location where there are Owl's flying so will take my Sony ML with a 70-350mm Zoom. On the 4th April, I have an opportunity to photograph a model in a studio type setting so will take my heavy Canon DSLR with 24-105mm as I will not have to carry it far.

There was a time long ago that I used to take a DSLR and all my lenses on every trip but no more. I do not find that I am missing out by making these advanced decisions. One excellent photographer I know once stated "All the pictures I want to take are within 250m of the boot of my car".

I used to take far too much. 7D2 with 150-600 plus 6D with 70-200 and a macro in the bag along with maybe a 50mm f1.8. Even when I moved over to Fuji I had a spell of taking 2 bodies with lenses, now it's simple. X-T3 with 35 f1.4 attached, 50-140 f28 & 10-24 f4 in the bag. Unless I'm specifically shooting wildlife, then the 10-24 is replaced by my 100-400 & 1.4TC.

However, I often go out in my local area just with the just T3 & 10-24 and the 35mm in my pocket. I can't be **sed to carry loads anymore.
I normally use a roller case and my standard kit comprises two bodies, possibly 4 lenses with possiblility for flashguns. However, when I'm at an event, I leave most of it in a secure place and only carry what I need.

There are lots of people who seem to think that they need to carry every bit of photographic equipment they own everywhere, the only people that benefits is camera bag manufacturers and chiropractors.
Going on holiday, I take 3 1.5x crop bodies with zooms covering from 10-400mm (and a 1.4x telecon). Once there, if we're out in the car, I take the whole kit but if walking, I pick whichever I think I'll want and leave the rest behind. On occasion, I wish I had a different lens as well as my choice but can sometimes get away with cropping for the extra apparent reach. If I'm really going light, a Sony RX100 slips into a shirt pocket and gives good enough IQ for most uses.
It's funny that most of carry extra batteries, however, have you every exhausted a genuine Nikon battery from full charge in a day??

I find they last an eternity haha - I remember shooting my D5 for skiing, worried about the battery life due to the cold etc. I shot close to 2000 images I think, and the battery was at 68% or something stupid like that. Amazing cameras

You are quite right. I bought a spare Nikon battery (for D810) many years ago and the only time it's gets changed out is when I anthropomorphically feel it deserves to have a go in the camera. I have never, ever got near 'low' on my Nikon batteries. My wife has a D5000 and hasn't used it in years but is now getting it out to take on holiday to India. The battery was utterly flat but I put it in a charger and without any fuss, it's ready to go again. I do think that since it has been discharged for so long I need to get her another battery before she goes away just in case but Nikon do not make that battery anymore so it's an after-market job that I'll have to buy and I don't know who makes the best ones. It's a EN EL 9A I believe.

Anyway, she is travelling light as she is taking the D5000 and a new Nikon 18-300mm zoom (28-450mm equiv, which is pretty good).