is this just too geeky

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I like the oh crop one! lol

I would have ordered but spend my left over money on the Lens coffee mug!
faaaaarrrr too geeky... and that's coming from a phd student.
Thanks Philip, yet another website that persuades my credit card to go to work :D
Geeky AND just naff, tbh.

Not something you'd see on someone trendy. Rather an older person who doesn't give a hoot on what type of clothes/tshirt he wears.

My older brother is like that. Some of the t-shirts he wears are soo naff, makes you think this guy has no fashion clue.
I was going to order a hoodie from them. They took payment from me even though they didn't do the print that I wanted. Took quite a bit of messing about trying to get a refund.
Geeky. brilliant.

I like the chimp no evil one.
Might be geeky but that doesnt stop me ;) I have one I got on eBay "Eat, Sleep, Photograph" and love it :D Have seen the "I Shoot RAW" one around and like it :p

It lets my inner nerd out :p
Geeky AND just naff, tbh.

Not something you'd see on someone trendy. Rather an older person who doesn't give a hoot on what type of clothes/tshirt he wears.

My older brother is like that. Some of the t-shirts he wears are soo naff, makes you think this guy has no fashion clue.

Your brother sounds like a nice chap.
links aved LMAO missus now has selection fer xmas for me
The fact you asked the question, simultaneously answered it! sad thing is I like em too.
Geeky AND just naff, tbh.

Not something you'd see on someone trendy. Rather an older person who doesn't give a hoot on what type of clothes/tshirt he wears.

My older brother is like that. Some of the t-shirts he wears are soo naff, makes you think this guy has no fashion clue.

Older Brother :cautious: Maybe He's the fashonista and you are the geek.........:p
Why ask? It doesn't really matter what other people think, wear whatever you want.

I don't wear jeans (denims) or T shirts because I don't like them. Nothing to do with being fashionable/trendy/geeky at my age!