is this just wishful thinking - I'm guessing it's used!!!

it's only paint, the optics look in good condition as long as the AF works OK it wouldn't put me off
but the lens looked highly scratched - and the contacts at the back don't work properly
Yeah it looks very tatty, but WOW 1.8!!! Even using converters that a helluva bright lens.
if I was selling somehting for that price I would ahve cleaned the front lens and shown it off as good... As it is the lens looks nasty..

i think every canon user would love to own a 200 1.8 prime :)
'Overall condition: 6.5 out of 10' :LOL: we have here a real optimist ;)
If I was in the market for one (and I do hanker after a mad 200) I'd buy it for that.

Front optic is plain glass and so easy/cheap to replace - if needed.
I have one of these, mine is 13 years old and has no scrathes or chips to the paintwork at all. I have covered f1 for two seasons travelled the world with it, This lens seems to come from a pro probably motor racing, who has had a 200 a long zoom and a 500mm plus others all hanging round his neck, banging against each other,
Make sure the filter is still in the back filter holder as this will have protected the rear lens.
If you are still interested make them a silly offer 1000 pounds for example and wait for them to come back to you.
But do Canon still service the 200mm f/1.8? The last I'd heard was that some spares were virtually unobtainable and that Canon wouldn't support it any more.

None of which matters as long as it's working properly of course. Cosmetic condition won't make any difference at all to the pics. It sure won't help the resale value though!