Is this working for you?

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I took this photo while out on the streets of London at the weekend while shooting for London Street Photography Tag Team Challenge, looking for some c&c about the image and processing, this was a candid taken without them knowing I was there, thanks for looking!

I really love this shot Martin :) couple of small points that personally distract my attention a bit...

The nose support on the girls glasses seems to leap out at me for some reason and for me the shot would work better if it was photoshop'd out also the lick of hair blowing off her face and onto his forehead, again slightly distracts me, silly as it sounds!!

All in all though for me it is a fantastic shot that really communicates intimacy beautifully captured :)
I second that... For a candid street shot, this is up there with the best of them. It screams private moment captured and epitomizes what street photography is about imo. Shultz little observations are seriously anal but I can't help feeling he's right :)
Good call on the hair, I did think about PP it out but left it in, not sure why :thinking:

I also see you point about the nose, I guess it's bright; I Have PP it to be a little less obvious, I have dropped it from about 253,253,253 to 240,240,240

Any better?

Thank you both for you C&C


Hi Martin,

Definitely works better for me with the edit to the hair.

In terms of the nose, it was more the visibility of the nose support part of the glasses that I thought was too apparent. Please see image edit below for illustration of what I mean. Obviously this is entirely subjective and, in agreement with neo my observations are extremely anal :) and tbh I couldn't personally take a better shot of this kind.

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I think it's excellent...I love the pose too, for me that's always seemed like the most romantic way of standing with the person you love :) Also love the B&W, the expressions, it's great. I can't see the difference between any of the edits posted :LOL:
Absolutely top-notch Street in my opinion. I have never managed to to get that close to the subject. Can't see any EXIF data, but I'm interested to know what you used?
Absolutely top-notch Street in my opinion. I have never managed to to get that close to the subject. Can't see any EXIF data, but I'm interested to know what you used?

Hi Bigdex,

Camera: Nikon D3 with a 70-200 VR.
Shot at:
ISO 400

The ISO could have been way lower in this shot, but I had been shooting in quite dull conditions over the morning, the sun decided to come out while taking this shot and a few others, I have to say I have become quite lazy with ISO settings since owning the D3 as the noise produce at these ISO's is so low!

Thanks for your kind words :)
I've not tried using my longer lenses; normally just a 24-105, but I'll give the 100-400 a go now! (y)
The second edit is the capture and love the PP - a good effort all-round...

What made you decide to go for a Mono-edit?

Can we see the original as a thumb, perhaps? Did you crop at all or is this a full-frame?
Thank you both for your comments, I have posted the image as captured, no crop or colour edits so you can see the image direct from the camera.

I decided on the tight crop on the grounds that the background was not adding to the image IMO.

I really like the processing and the crop. The only fly in the ointment for me is the frame of her glasses obscuring her eye. The strong eye-contact between them and the placement of her eye on a third keep leading me back to it, and I keep bumping into the frame. Nothing you could do about it though, and still a very cool shot.
Excellent - even better now I see the original...very good use of cropping to make a strong, powerful image from something that was 'OK, but...'