It is a bad day today

Andy Grant
Edit My Images
I've just realised that today is my anniversary. 30 years ago today I started work and for the next 29 years I did a boring job because I didn't know what I wanted to do.

Then an epiphany. I bought a DSLR and within a few months realised that what I'd wanted to be for all these years was a photographer. Now this should make me happy, 29 years of frustration and now the light has dawned. But it doesn't, I'm still doing a boring job in an office but now I'm frustrated because Iknow what I want and I'm not good enough. Yet.

I'm off to the college tonight to sign onto a photography course. First small step maybe, who knows?

That sounds the same as most people TBH, I think it is only a small percentage of people who can earn a living doing what they truly enjoy, keep trying though as one day you may be one of them.
Aye, hope springs eternal, as they say.

Same here Andy, only it took me a fraction of the time to realise this is what I want to do now, left school in 1998, left college in 2000, started working in 2000, and in 2007, finally decided this is what I want :)

At least you know, some people never find out! Good luck with it :)

Enough. Today is a good day. You know what you want to do and tonight you're going to start taking steps to make it happen.

Keep up the good work sir. (y)
It does, i'd love to make a living from photography instead of the *job* i actually get paid for. I'm even further away than you though, so let that be of some comfort :(
Aye, hope springs eternal, as they say.


Go for it young man. You need a break to make a success of photography, so try to do the right things until you make the right thing happen. We've seen how good you are, the close up of the boat on the loch was brilliant. Good luck, if I can help please feel free to ask.
Thanks everyone for the support, I think maybe I suffering a little from post holiday depression, I'm not normally this maudlin. :)
I am going to give myself a couple of years to learn as much as possible and then see if making a living at this is possible, if not then its still a great hobby and a fab way to make friends. (y)

Cheers all

(a slightly happier) Andy
The only way is up....keep on keeping at it, one day your first paying job will come...then another...then another.... :D
I have a problem. In one way it's a nice problem. My problem is that my day job pays me well. Too well to take a punt on going off togging for a living. The dream of going pro is only ever going to be plan B for me if my chosen day job goes belly up.

And my day job gets in the way something rotten. I can't comitt to an evening course because I can't ever be sure I can attend anything during the week. My time is literally not my own Monday to Friday, even in the evening. So my togging opportunities are a little limited. I take them with both hands when I get them though :)

Good luck with it :)
Well, today improved. Went to the college and I am now officially a student. I will be drinking heavily and staying in bed until the crack of noon from now on.
Well actually I'm going to bed now as I've got to be up at 6 to go to work, DOH.


Great news. Best of luck.

Well, today improved. Went to the college and I am now officially a student. I will be drinking heavily and staying in bed until the crack of noon from now on.
Well actually I'm going to bed now as I've got to be up at 6 to go to work, DOH.


Student discount at HMV (y)
Well, today improved. Went to the college and I am now officially a student. I will be drinking heavily and staying in bed until the crack of noon from now on.
Well actually I'm going to bed now as I've got to be up at 6 to go to work, DOH.


Not to mention, software at student discounts.
Oooh, never thought of that. (y)
