It never rains - but it pours : -( UPDATED

i read this earlier today and thought that if your partner can pay the 2500-00 easy enough then you really do not need the help of others to fund it
there are people in all walks of life that would have trouble getting hold of 250-00 let alone 2.5k at short notice
i am a two dog owner and have been for over 20 years so know what they mean to us

I have never asked anyone to help fund this it was very generously suggested :bang:

As a dog owner always have been and always will be I accept responsibilty as one and yes the bill will be paid.

I just wanted to be able to help pay the bill as I have said in previous posts and will.

The title of this thread "It never rains but it pours" merely was to say why do things always come at once :shrug:

As I have said the bill will be paid.


I am sorry to hear what your dog is going through and I know that it is not pleasant for dogs but heres hoping for a good outlook, yep 6 is such a young age also.

What breed is he?

We are going 50/50 and if it means me going without to pay my half then I will do so. After all my dogs are my luxuries, arn't they? :shrug: (y)

I am sorry to hear what your dog is going through and I know that it is not pleasant for dogs but heres hoping for a good outlook, yep 6 is such a young age also.

What breed is he?

We are going 50/50 and if it means me going without to pay my half then I will do so. After all my dogs are my luxuries, arn't they? :shrug: (y)

Thank you xxx He's doing really well, luckily no side effects from the chemo at all, just tires quicker. He's an Akita, I rescue Akitas :D

They're your luxuries but I bet they give you both equal,huge amounts of love ;) xx
Any vets on here to justify their thievery?

and just how much do you think human treatment would cost if not for the NHS ?
Vets take far longer to train and don't get paid by the government they have to fund themselves !!!
Just wish people would stopo slagging off vets and their costs, as far as I can see we have never been told what is wrong with dog other then leg problem, so how can anyone knock the cost
and just how much do you think human treatment would cost if not for the NHS ?
Vets take far longer to train and don't get paid by the government they have to fund themselves !!!
Just wish people would stopo slagging off vets and their costs, as far as I can see we have never been told what is wrong with dog other then leg problem, so how can anyone knock the cost

I agree, the vets train long and hard and it costs them, they come out with nothing but a huge big fat loan to pay off, :shrug: they have worked for it let them earn it. (y)

I am not knocking the treatment as I know what this entails.

My dog has cruciate ligament damage so an intricate op needed.

I did not know this was so common, my original vet told me that hundreds of dogs throughout the uk has this happen to them a week, apparently they operate on at least 6 dogs per week (would be more but they like to look after them and have to prepare if anything goes wrong)

Can happen at any time any where, even if they turn in the worng way. :shrug:

When I had horses if you wanted the vet to come out I always used to say that the initial phone call cost me £35.00 (probably more now :shrug:) before they did anything, that was to get them here :LOL: but if yo have pets etc then you have to take the rough with the smooth.
Having been the victim of overinflated veterinary fees I think I have the right to comment. You're right Gremlin I don't know the details of Briony's dogs' problem but I don't think it's unfair on the animal to look for a less expensive option. If the op ends up costing 2500 well then it does and the dog would be worth it but if the same care is available for less money I see no problem with that either.

In my town there's a practice that has grown and grown by taking over most of the others and they charge very high fees for their services and for medicines, I was lucky enough to find a country practice who's focus is on care for the animals rather than profiteering. When I told her I'd expected to pay a lot more for my dogs operation the 'good' vet said to me "We're not that kind of practice", I think that says a lot.
Having been the victim of overinflated veterinary fees I think I have the right to comment. You're right Gremlin I don't know the details of Briony's dogs' problem but I don't think it's unfair on the animal to look for a less expensive option. If the op ends up costing 2500 well then it does and the dog would be worth it but if the same care is available for less money I see no problem with that either.

In my town there's a practice that has grown and grown by taking over most of the others and they charge very high fees for their services and for medicines, I was lucky enough to find a country practice who's focus is on care for the animals rather than profiteering. When I told her I'd expected to pay a lot more for my dogs operation the 'good' vet said to me "We're not that kind of practice", I think that says a lot.

Our vets also offer speying and castrating at a very low price to encourage people to have it done and I think that this should be done a bit more in other areas to discourage indiscriminate breeding.

Normally ops would be done at my vets but this is a specialist op so needs to be done elswhere. :shrug:

Yep country vets charge alot less than town vets and I also think this is wrong, there should be a standard price range where they should stick to and no discriminate against people living in towns. :shrug:
We're at the University of Liverpool small animal hospital for Zeke's oncology appointments weekly, they are fantastic at saving us money - they told us to buy his tummy meds from adsa, they explain the costs of any treatment before hand, and let us administer his chemo from home (when it's in tablet form) with just a simple blood test from our local vet..

I'm sure some vets rip customers off, it's up to owners to seek out a decent vet, but there are good ones around and it's not fair to tar them all.
Simple reason why country vets charge less then town vets, their running costs are far cheaper, renting premises, wages etc.
I had a feeling you were going to say cruciate, it is very common, not had it happen to any of mine but loads of friends have, crate rest etc. my dog crate was out on permanant loan for a while to various dogs with who had the op.
Tbh that price sounds about right from what I've been told and my vets aren't the most expensive around.
Oh and on the cost of meds, you can ask you vet for a prescription and get them elsewherecheaper if you choose
Yes I can cut down the meds etc and the after care, as I was once a Vet nurse (shame I was not still l qualified, otherwise I get a hefty discount:bang:)

Have numerous crates here but she is a ,what I call sleepy lab, rather sleep than hooley around except when people visit.:LOL: then she has to be centre of attention, but wil have to moinitor this very closely.
I know how you feel, we took on 2 chows they came with 4 weeks free insurance, in that time one was diagnosed with entropian. The insurance would not pay as we had no trace of the previous owners vet, they said it was pre existing and therefore kicked back the claim.
So we went shopping, insuring 7 was a trek, so we found new insurance obviously resigned to the fact her entropian would have to be done cash only. So we made sure all details were disclosed before taking out new insurance, so anyways the entropian op was not an emergency so was planned for the new year,
we fostered a dog in the new year who gave my lot a small dose of kennel cough so postponed the operation till feb to give her plenty of time to recover, in the feb said dog went and did her crutiate ligament, we went to start the claim and that was refused as she was a rescue and we had no proof that she had not done the injury before, again we were left out in the cold,
so i had to shop around as she was a pet there was no need for a refferral to a specialist, the shelter who we got the girls off helped find a vet (this was after going to the rspca for a consult and being told they do not operate on crutiate ligaments) who agreed to let us pay monthly and the shelter acted as a garantor.
you see it was never about getting free treatment. It was finding a vet that would let us pay a hundred or so pounds a month until bill was cleared, as i had insurance for this type of thing and when that fails what do you do?
I cancelled my insurance after that as i was paying over £100 a month so i do my best to put away what i can, I know now no matter what i can always get help and support and will always see my dogs treated even if its soul destroying having to ask for a little help in finding someone who will let you pay in installments!
I struggled to arrange this via my own vet and had to go elsewhere that was heart breaking for me, been with them years and years and they never had to wait for payment. Anyways she was sorted out and later in the july had her entropian op in both eyes. your right it never rains but it pours, it will get sorted keep your chin up!
I don't have insurance either for this reason - plus related rarely means related, if for instance your dog hurts its leg due to a fall or something age 4 and 5 years later starts to suffer with arthritus in a different leg, they will often refuse to pay out as it's still a leg injury. Awful, but unfortunately it's how insurance can be - the pet insurance industry needs some serious regulating IMO.

Asher has it on his medical records that he was obese (meaning anything potentially related they'll try to write off as pre-existing) and suspected hip/leg damage so anything remotely related to either could be a loss.

I will say though, if I chose to go that route I'd go for 1 of the big 3 or 4 companies - and for a younger dog without such potential for pre-existing, I'd have it to.
Nicky, I am so sorry to hear about Mol, I know exactly waht you must be going through after going through it all earlier in the year...

Hope all goes well and she quickly gets on the road to a full recovery.
Nicky, I am so sorry to hear about Mol, I know exactly waht you must be going through after going through it all earlier in the year...

Hope all goes well and she quickly gets on the road to a full recovery.

Thnaks Ryan, as you know her you know why I can't give up on her just waiting for a date for the op now, as the specialist I saw cannot do her until the end of November and I don't think she should wait that long.

Have been phoning around and got other specialists who can do her earlier but this comes at a much higher price, talking of £3000.00 +

Hoping the original specialist calls me back today with a sooner date so I can get this done sooner. :(
Tough call, hope it works out for you.

We had to re-home our cats yesterday after 6 years. Was horrible, just suddenly gone. The house doesn't feel the same without them and we're feeling terrible about it. Our 2 yr old has had breathing difficulties and constant ear/nose infections and we had to do what's right for her as all evidence points towards her being allergic to them.
O.K. guys what would you do :shrug:

Specialist I have been referred to cannot do op till end of November, as fully booked, cost £2,500

I have found another one that will do op in the next week cost £3000.00 (Quite a distance away from home,)

What would be your decision,?

Molly at the moment on pain relief and happy, but not happy that she cannot go out for a walk (have not told her it will be quite some time before she can go for a decent walk)
It is a tough call, our chow after the op had to go back weekly for nearly 7 weeks, it was an hours drive each way, we did not know this until after the op, this may not be the same for you as our dog did not have the tplo she had the stitch, but best check what post op requirements are when making your decision, may also be worth asking if delaying the operation will put the dog at higher risk of djd setting in earlier, although the leg will probably develop some degree of arthritis later down the line anyway best to check if it will have any effect if not done sooner. It a Long rehab our girl swims weekly as she lost a lot of muscle mass on that leg, and we keep a keen eye on her weight. Talk to each vet ask your questions list any pros n cons and then weigh it all up.
O.K. guys what would you do :shrug:

Specialist I have been referred to cannot do op till end of November, as fully booked, cost £2,500

I have found another one that will do op in the next week cost £3000.00 (Quite a distance away from home,)

What would be your decision,?

Molly at the moment on pain relief and happy, but not happy that she cannot go out for a walk (have not told her it will be quite some time before she can go for a decent walk)

Not comfortable with the far from home aspect.
I'd base my decision on:-
1. Can the dog be kept pain free until end of November.
2. Will the condition deteriorate making surgery less successfull.

If the answer to 1. is Yes and 2. is No. then wait, but keep trying to find another specialist.
Not comfortable with the far from home aspect.
I'd base my decision on:-
1. Can the dog be kept pain free until end of November.
2. Will the condition deteriorate making surgery less successfull.

If the answer to 1. is Yes and 2. is No. then wait, but keep trying to find another specialist.

Yep what I am thinking at the mo, hoping they will ring with a cancellation as I can go a short notice till the end of Novemebr then flat out with work till January, which gives me more time to spend with her here to recooperate.

Will ring again later to see if anything has progressed.

How the heck do you keep an energetic labrador quiet,? :bang: answers please :LOL:
How the heck do you keep an energetic labrador quiet,? :bang: answers please :LOL:

Food. Or a mahussive bone. Keeps ours quiet for a few minutes anyways!

Best of luck with everything lovely lady.
Food. Or a mahussive bone. Keeps ours quiet for a few minutes anyways!

Best of luck with everything lovely lady.

Food, :nono: :nono: :nono: she is on a strict diet anyway. she is already fed up of playing those thinking game toys you get, and all she gets as a reward is carrot pieces (they are o.k. because they go straight through :puke: (sorry ) :LOL: :nono: notit bits I am afraid as I need the weight off so it will be better for her legs, not that she is that much overweight just a very good doer and my other one is like a whippet, very streamline.
Yep what I am thinking at the mo, hoping they will ring with a cancellation as I can go a short notice till the end of Novemebr then flat out with work till January, which gives me more time to spend with her here to recooperate.

Will ring again later to see if anything has progressed.

How the heck do you keep an energetic labrador quiet,? :bang: answers please :LOL:

I have had vets tell me to keep my labs quiet when they have had injuries.
Theory and practice are miles apart in this.
Update .............. just heard the date for the op is 15th November :help:
Best of luck with the dog's op tomorrow.
Interesting read. My brother in laws dog has had about 5 operations on its leg, all paid for by the insurance. Total cost somewhere around the £20k mark.
I cant understand why your insurance wouldnt pay out for this.
Going to carefully check my policy now too.

Hope the op goes well, its only money, it can be remade. Your dog is much more than that.