Its a Crows life


In Memoriam. TPer Emeritus
The real Chris
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A few weeks ago, crows were building a nest, right at the top, in the tallest tree behind my house.
It has to be a good 40 feet high.
Once "sitting" we had had a few days of very high winds and the top of the tree was bending and swaying, quite violently in all directions.
I thought at the time this is all very precarious..

Come the calm, the nest was still there and I just make out a sitting crow. ( the tree wasn't fully leaved at this point)
For the next few weeks, dad would be out scavenging food, he even took a few day old chicks ( dead of course) that I had left of for the red kites.
once he was happy with his waitering duties he would then take up a sentry position on the roof top aerials, moving from one to another, of the surrounding houses,
and chasing off any gulls or Red kites that got, what he considered to be, too close.

I enjoyed watching his antic over the weeks, even if he did drop what looked like half a loaf, in my bird bath in an effort to soften it up.
Returning time and again for the bits.

Obviously I have no idea how many eggs were laid originally, but this morning I noted 3 fledglings sitting on the roof top aerials...
Time for a cover for the bird bath then! ;)
LOL a bit late for that Roger, I guess they will disperse over the next couple of days.
Besides its easy enough to clean :)