Itunes data help

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Im rapidly running out of space for my photos.

One solution would be to move all my mp3's on to an external HDD.

But how do I get itunes to reconise this? I can't be doing with starting the whole import process again!

I could keep the existing file structure if that helps any..

on your itunes library go to itunes help

on the index tag go down to sorting and there is a small article on using multiple libraries maybe this will help?
This is pretty simple to do.

Move (or copy) your itunes folder to your new desination (for example D:\itunes)

Open iTunes, and from the top menu select EDIT and then PREFERENCES. A new window will open, and you need to select the ADVANCED tab.

The top option is the location of your itunes folder. Enter the new location (D:\itunes) and select OK to save your selection.

Thats all you need to do.
Or go to file add folder, then browse the new folder

That won't work.

In effect what you're doing is adding more music to your itunes library, not pointing the direction of your library to a new location. So, if you have playlists set up, they won't work unless it knows the new location of your library.
This is pretty simple to do.

Move (or copy) your itunes folder to your new desination (for example D:\itunes)

Open iTunes, and from the top menu select EDIT and then PREFERENCES. A new window will open, and you need to select the ADVANCED tab.

The top option is the location of your itunes folder. Enter the new location (D:\itunes) and select OK to save your selection.

Thats all you need to do.

do this.

you could also in the past i have also edited (find and replace in wordpad) the XML file to reflect the new path for the music files. dont think you