Iv'e been accepted!


<span class="poty">POTY (Joint) 2016</span>
Edit My Images
I entered my first competition last month, 'The Bristol Salon International FIAP' and 2 out of my 4 photographs were accepted :D:D:D:D:D:D

To say I'm chuffed is an understatement!

The 2 accepted are these.



Accepted Entrants
I've faintly recall that comp in the dim and (sadly not so) distant past. I don't really agree with anything that seeks to judge someone's art as more valid than someone else's but if they don't do well, someone should be sacked.
Great atmosphere in both photos and an excellent B&W conversion. FIAP is no easy feat and well done on achieving 2 out of 4 images
Congratulations!! (y)
Stunning shots they are too!
Find them most hypnotic!
excellent shots - loads of atmosphere
you can almost hear the grass rustling :clap:
do report back when you get the results
Those two shots are pretty awesome, I love that effect and would love to know how it was done, would not look out of place in a movie like 300. Congratulations on having them accepted. All the best with that :)
Stunning photo's Dave. :clap:
Both stunning images, although personally I prefer the first.
thanks all, they both scored 12 points, so no gold medals but to get 2 accepted on my first go is brilliant!
Just a thought, but in #1, would it have won if the little white patch to the right of the cross had been behind it? I know it's a bit 'if your Auntie was your Uncle' but how much stronger would that have made the overall image?

Still love it though!
Nice shots mate (y)

and well done(y)

No wonder they were selected they are both fantastic photographs. Well done indeed.
Fantastic shots, well done indeed.
i can see why!!, well done, awesome images
What more could anyone say!! The photographs say it all thats why they are in, Very well done Dave
Congratulations & I think your two shots are real belters. Wish I was half as good.
Keep the forum updated with the outcome. Your images are outstanding to my eye!
many thanks :D

the tutorial is on here but it was a slightly different piscture
Did you hear that crash?

That was my camera landing in the bin.....

Speachless, awsome pictures!
You're a winner in my eyes fella!

Top drawer images. And almost something from nothing. It certainly is the art of seeing more than pushing the shutter.

thanks for the comments :D