Jade - My first ever portraits

I like No 1, the crop is off for me slightly, i would go for the crop straight down the center of the nose, crop the distracting dark line off the forehead, and also for me, i think cropping foreheads is fine and works well, but cropping chins out just does'nt sit right. 2 is ok, but is a bit soft for this shot without bright and sharp focus on the eyes like in 1.
However, im no pro tog, and these are just what i see......Infact, i would be grateful of CC on my Critique to be honest.....Anyone?
Nice lens by the way.
I think the first shot is my favourite, eyes are alive, I agree with the crop suggestion.

If you manage to crop it again, I would love to see it.

Both shots are quirky and as I'm a big fan of quirky, they both work for me:)
Having used my hand to crop I'd be happy with the way it is.
Thanks guys :) I appreciate the comments. I'm off to college in a minute (started a photography course a few weeks ago) so I'll re-crop and get it posted when I get home
Recrop of #1 makes it a very good portrait. I have no problem with very tight crops myself. This lens is gonna get a lot of use...