JDM Allstars Wembley Street Drift 2009

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Well, what a nice day of eating bits of shredded tyre and breathing rubber smoke I've had! Actually, it tastes dreadful!

The location should have yielded some lovely shots of cars in front of the Wembley stadium arch thing, but H&S and everything meant I couldn't get that side of the car park... *ahem* I mean "track".

The rest of the backgrounds were a bit grot - tatty warehouse, tatty hotel, tatty looking crowd :LOL:

I thought while I was there that I had a lot of dung... well, maybe I do, you tell me!

#1 The best "Wembley background" I could get - Wembley Arena :shrug:


#2 Nice background eh?


#3 OMG that car is on fire or something! Call H&S!


#4 More nice background


#5 Haven't they banned smoking now?


#6 Aha! I've finally got a clean background!


#7 Flicking BLZEEBUB the devil's horns (y)


C&C away!
i think the action is great but i do not link the slants, doesnt add anything for me
1, 6 & 7 - nice. Not easy to shoot with those surroundings but you done well. I'm not a fan of the tilt but it seems a done thing with drifting :)
Thanks guys...

The angles, well, I know they can be a little controversial but in quite a few of the ones I took it was for a purely practical reason - I was mainly using my 70-200VR, and at 70mm it was still a bit long so had to try and get them corner to corner :D

How did they lift the front wheels? The car park they were racing on had two levels, they were using the lower part and there is a slightly graded bit of tarmac that connects to the ramp between the levels. Its probably not enough for you to even feel in your normal car, but these cars have slightly stiffer suspension and going over it at 60mph...

Anyway, it wasn't just the front wheels...


Excuse the minging background! But you can see now that #6 above has a clean background because all of that white is actually tyre smoke!!!!!
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I disagree with your comments about the backgrounds.

Drifting isn't just an event, it's a culture, that culture is a street based culture. Therfore cluttered background's etc work brilliantly as it's close to the sports Route's.

I try not to look at drifting like a motorsport, more of a lifestyle.

The last shot is brilliant btw
Hmmm ok, so the backgrounds are part of it... I'll take that onboard and review my shots again with a different set of eyes.

Have just been playing around with some different PP on some of these, when I've got it right I might add some more to see what you think...
I completely agree with Dal here. The tatty scene, people and generally not very neat is all part of the drift scene. Take the cars as an example, get close to them and they have zip ties holding the bumper together and battle scars here and there but thats suits the cars to the ground.

Love all of them especially the last one
That last one is superb. Like that lots.

And I don't get drifting... Talent? Sure. Spectacular? Sure! But I'd rather see a Mini taking it to a Ford Galaxie in wet conditions on a circuit :p

Nice work
Like the last one too - might be worth a slightly tighter crop and a bit of blurring of the background (well, it ain't reportage is it ;-))

blooodyhell that last one is amazing with all four wheels in the air :eek::eek::eek:

6 is very good as well. In fact they are all fantastic! Relly sharp and loads of motion :) Learnt something new as well R.E the backgrounds!
Cheers guys!

(sorry been away all last week)

Jon - yeah I'm not too sure I'd rank it as a favourite of mine either. Gribbsy and Blzeebub are more keen on this than me but I drew this one because they were busy that weekend....