JD's 365/11.

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Some may recognise me, most won't. (that's a good thing) I completed a 365 in 2009, HERE and made a hash of a 52 last year.

I think getting a break from everything last year and getting my head together a bit worked wonders. 2009 was a mad year. Deaths, redundancy, and depression took it's toll. Last year I made a few personal changes. I still used the cameras, but I stayed away from forums etc for the majority of it. The wonders of exercise lifted me somewhat and turned me from fat to slightly less fat. (4 stone and counting)

365/11 001 by JDholic, on Flickr
After much debate over the last month or so I've decided to give another 365 a go.
Countless reasons nearly stopped me. Being unemployed my area of subjects to photograph is going to be extremely limited by both finance and an inability to travel anywhere really.

365/09 was filled with landscapes. Looking back now I realise how fortunate I was to have a job that allowed me quite a lot of freedom.

This year will be predominantly filled with fitness related shots. (just a hunch) Having recently bought a Garmin sports watch I thought it would be rude not to use it for today's shot. It will be quite a large part of my training schedule this year, for both half marathon and marathon hopefully. :)

365/11 002 No Original Ideas... by JDholic, on Flickr
exist anywhere in my head. I'd forgotten about the mad rush to take a shot for the day. And, to be honest, I don't think I can be bothered.

A 365 for 2009 got me using the camera a lot more to learn how to use it "better". Now that I have, I don't know if I can be arsed pressuring myself to take an original shot every day. Let's face it, nothing in photography is original and I'm not sure if I'll have the time to dedicate to it.

I'll still try to use it as an excuse to try and take a shot every day, but if I don't I'll not be that bothered :)

365/11 003 The Plan by JDholic, on Flickr
Week 1, Day 1, Run 1 done.
I've still yet to determine the difference between a "slow" run and an "easy" run. Is "easy" slower than "slow"? Or is "easy" the same "speed" as slow but on a flatter "easier" circuit?

The mind does indeed boggle. Alternate view HERE
Good luck with your 365 challenge and congratulations on your weight loss :clap:
Its a tough one but you seem to be handling it real well some good pics there ...oh yeah and well done on losing the weight 4 stone that is brill well done(y)