Jessops are clueless!

you're always going to get people getting upset when their photos don't come out how they would expect. I work in retail and get spoken to like dirt sometimes, you have customer demanding you do things their way, even though the company says to follow its own rules. You have customers who say they don't need any extras, yet come back a few days later to buy them. I have worked in retail for nearly 5 years, and most of the time I have enjoyed it.

I started working for Dixons, which used to be awesome because every member of sales was on commission. Unlike the stereotype associated with sales people, i was not one of the sharks who only cared about how much money I made and as a result had great satisfaction helping people to make sure their product was correct for their needs along with earning a bit to boot. The problem is when sales targets are over inflated and attachments are focused on too heavily then people start to lose sight of what is really important. Unfortunately the store I was working at was closed down and relocated and rebranded. When we were changed to a Currys stores, attitudes changed as the main difference was the loss of commission but the focus on targets and other performance indicators. Whereas before sales colleagues would go out of their way to help a customer, advise them and ensure that they were being treated with the best care, the cant be arsed attitude was approached as people were being paid the same if they killed themselves to sell £10k or if they did £1k, the pay was the same. Over the past few years i have seen targets raised along with various bonus schemes brought in to help sales people get extra money, however nothing compares to personal commission.

The point I'm trying to make here is that there was a lot less arse ache with matching web prices and discounting as we were able to do deals with people as the sale meant something personal to you, on top of the wage you would earn there would be a chance to earn money out of it. When you take a financial incentive like that away people will lose focus, and just do their job nothing more.

It is no secret that Retail is one of the worst paid sectors, and I have been lucky enough to earn some good money whist at Uni, however I would be lying if I thought that getting rid of commission was a good thing. It was a mistake.

To be honest, for the £6 which has been mentioned on the 50mm lens, I would have probably done it for the guy, as the way I look at it, it's better to have £94 in the till than £0. The trade figures that Jessops give stores are "over inflated" either that or their buyers need to be shot.
Foodpoison you need to lighten up and chill out.
I would have price matched Warehouse Express + P&P, which was still £6 less than Jessops price. Jessops margin can withstand it and you do want the customer to come back. Crazy Cameras of Hong Kong we'll leave to joe bloggs and co. I'm a bit perplexed why the demo lens didnt 'fit' his camera, presumably being exactly the same as the boxed one. Folk do have to realise that Jessops is in such dire straits that they can often only afford to give each shop one item of any particular lens or camera, and usually they have to be displayed, so the salespersons hands are usually tied. This is fine on a small priced item, but obviously not on a £1000 lens.
The thing is how do you know that Crazy Cameras isnt giving you something which has been used before anyway, or kicked around the office, or used by their tea lady or suchlike.
Sales is about reading the situation, knowing your stuff, knowing your customer, knowing what you can get away with [works both ways, for the customer too], giving good service is just obvious. The art of sales is not discounting but being able to sell something at the highest price within reason. Photographers have to do this when pitching for a job or selling prints. At the end of the day, rent and wages have to be paid and money put in the till. When margins are cut, companies go out of business - its about finding a happy medium.
Good luck foodpoison, you have an apt name!