Jessops next day delivery is a lie

still not quite sure what the point of this thread is.. quoting and 'see above' doesn't really help, you are providing no information as to what has been said during these phone calls, what they have done about your complaint (have you complained?) or what the reason for the delay was. Is this just to have a rant?.. because you might be better off telling jessops rather than us..
All information has been provided in this thread should you care to read it all
Are you a troll? Or just being one part time?

My earlier sentiment still stands.
Get over what is really a possible minor error on Jessops part and move on.
No one died.
All sorted now, not even dispatched so cancelled, thanks for all your support guy's............:beer:
Thanks once again..................:rolleyes:
Out of curiosity, I'd like to know what kind of service level the OP thinks is acceptable from Jessops here.

I mean, we have data here on one order which apparently was not delivered in accordance with their stated timescales.
But I suspect this is probably not the only order Jessops have ever taken, so perhaps we're not seeing the whole picture yet.
How many orders have they taken which were delivered within their stated timescales?

What is the minimum acceptable success rate? 90%? 95%? 99%? 99.9%? 99.999%? 100%? Please do tell.
I suspect that anything short of the item being hand delivered within an hour by 2 tuxedo wearing men carrying it on a silver tray wouldn't be good enough for Sir Jeff ;)

At least that's what the tone of his posts in this thread seem to say...
Since Jeff won't give us any details we are left with guessing what went wrong. It sounds like there was some problem that led to his order remaining uncompleted rather than some fault with the courier service. Usually this is some problem with the payment or the delivery address but equally it may be some snafu in Jessops' ordering procedure - nobody's perfect. We shall never know. I've bought a couple of things on Jessops click and collect under both the previous and current ownership and both went well, but that's a sample size of two, though 100% bigger than Jeff's ;-)
If I had a penny every time a delivery went wrong for some reason I'd have about £7.28 now.

Just this week (Amazon)...

Ordered Friday for delivery Monday (Amazon Locker)
Monday - Doesn't arrive
Tuesday - Arrives at Locker, code doesn't work
Wednesday - New code issued, doesn't work
Thursday - Item returned, not collected in time!

Just re-ordered and got a refund. Unfortunately it was a birthday present required for Tuesday, never mind!

I've been sent the wrong lens in the right box, entire albums of other people's holiday photos (and they received mine!), deliveries go to Cornwall (I'm in Wiltshire), DPD have entirely missed the scheduled day on at least 5 or 6 occasions, and don't even get me started on how bad CityLink (RIP) were. I also once arrived at a UPS depot (that took me an hour to drive to) to collect a parcel at 10am (opening time) on a Saturday to find it locked up, I phoned the company who as it turned out had to get the staff member out of bed, the lady arrived an hour later with what I can only assume was a monster hang over!
Don't feed the troll
I don't think that's right in this case. If nobody had challenged the OP then the post would have stood as somewhat extreme and undeserved criticism of Jessops.
I don't think that's right in this case. If nobody had challenged the OP then the post would have stood as somewhat extreme and undeserved criticism of Jessops.
I think he meant for you to not feed the troll, not that you were the troll.
I think he meant for you to not feed the troll, not that you were the troll.

Correct, I implied the OP was a troll purely as he typed in a way to provoke a response form everybody here.

That normally denotes a troll.

I could equally have called him some incredibly nasty names as I have quite a repertoire but I don't fancy a holiday at the moment.
Ha ha! It never occurred to me that I was being called a troll, my natural and unassuming innocence I suppose ;-) No I thought I was making a serious point but must have not expressed myself well