Jogger in the Mist

Les McLean

In Memoriam
Edit My Images
Taken this morning while walking the dogs

Canon 1Ds MKIII +50mm F1.4 lens

1/125sec @f3.5 ISO400


An a dog walker

1/80sec @f3.2 ISO400

I like the shots very much, the grey of the mist contrast great with the delicate greens in the leaves. Of course I think they should have a heavy frame around them.:):)
I like the shots very much, the grey of the mist contrast great with the delicate greens in the leaves. Of course I think they should have a heavy frame around them.:):)

Touche :LOL::LOL:
+1. Lovely images.
#1 for me something mystical about the lighting...good capture
I like these - nice light. (Almost feels like back in time and you expect someone in a horse and cape to come riding out of the mist...)
These are great shots, my preference is no 1 though :) good job
Great shots mate very atmospheric, can i ask where these were taken?
Jogger pic doesn't do much for me, but the dog walker pic I think is wonderful.
Beautiful light and the detail in the leaves is marvellous.
Fabulously atmospheric - the fog diffuses the light beautifully. Very well captured and exposed. The second pic is my fave. I'm sure that whoever that is if they saw the photo they'd buy a print!
That first one is just perfection, mate.
Wow, the trees look like an painting! Lovely :) My favourite is the second one.
Great shots mate very atmospheric, can i ask where these were taken?

They were taken on Chevin Forest Park , Otley, luckily from my bedroom window I can see across the fields to the Forest Park, I knew the mist would soon burn away, I also knew that it can produce the most beautiful light, so I quickly got up there with the dogs.

I chose the 50mm F1.4, as not only is it a fast and sharp lens, but by using a prime it's easier to pre-visualise a scene than it is with a zoom, i.e. thinking 50mm, to make the most of the mist along the path, I needed figures (not posed) in the scene, by using a fixed focal length, I could quickly compose to catch the moment.
I used evaluative metering, set to underexpose by a 1/3 stop to make sure the highlights came out OK, ISO 400 knowing I'd get a reasonable shutter speed hand held.

I do use my 50mm F1.4 quite a lot, but like a lot of us togs, I get lazy and stick a zoom on, forgetting the challenges/discipline and satisfaction you need and get using a prime.
That's a lovely pair of images Les. You've captured them with just the right amount of mist. Knowing the local area and conditions really helps. If I was pushed to chose I'd go for #2. The interaction of owner and dogs is superbly caught in a shaft of light
Two beautiful shots Les, I favour #1 myself, with the sweeping down effect of the branches and leaves.
ditto- 2 lovely shots and If I had to choose I'd opt for No2 ( with a heavy Black Frame :LOL::LOL:)

gotta love these wide prime lenses, I have the 35mm and I just love it ( not as much as my HUGE Sigma tele of course lol)

Les (y)
Very atmospheric Les, fantastic range in the shots.

I did misread the title though..........

I love the "jogger", the framing and the mist give a real sense of the isolation felt by a lone runner as they pound the road. (y)

Tilers edit made me splutter too :D
Lovely shots, did you try converting to black and white at all? Can't help thinking they would be cracking in mono too...
Nicely seen and good atmospheric shots although on the jogger I would have cropped about a third of the way down from the top to get rid of the really dark areas

I did think of a tighter crop, and it would definitely be an alternative view, but I wanted the jogger to be isolated but embraced by the space, so in both images the extra space was provided, the focal length of the 50mm is ideal for this, a wide angle , quite often the subjects are too small, therefore getting lost in the scene, a telephoto means often the subject dominates. A 50mm provides (for me) that happy balance.
Lovely shots, did you try converting to black and white at all? Can't help thinking they would be cracking in mono too...

Yes, I did consider B&W, but I couldn't retain the quality of light I captured in the colour version, particularly the luminous greens.

But you are dead right, there is a B&W image waiting to come out of the scene, it's just beyond my ability in photoshop to achieve it.