weekly JohnN's 52 project for 2013 - Week 39 - Sweet

Hi John
My interpretation of your take on the theme was that the juxtaposition came from a contrast in size which works as another perspective to the theme.

I like some others would liked to have seen just a little more light on the subjects whilst still maintaining most of the shadow but apart from that minor crit, spot on for me (y)
Nice bright shot.

Its times like this i wish i hadnt got rid of the kids baby toys :LOL:
Nice one John, liking the bright vivid colours.

Bang on theme. A simple yet effective idea. (y)
Hi John

like you say , nothing fancy but nicely on theme with great colors & good angle :)
Hi, John, Letter on theme and really liking the bright colours. Think I'd like to see the whole toy, not keen on the crop at the bottom.

Haha, you caught me, you can't see the bottom because the toy can't stand up. At the front and back out of shot there are lego cars stopping it fall over :)
Just so you know I've not quit - just struggled with electric and am just back from my hols - so I've 668 pics to sort from them!!!
Okay, what a long time coming...

After wasting hours trying to do the lightning bolts with downloaded brushes I gave up and just drew them by hand - much quicker, probably 10 mins :)

As usual I'm not happy with it and went with a comic book look over the studio I had intended (despite the photo being about 90% of where I wanted it - 10% dropped due to having to go back on forth on a 2 sec timer to see if I was in frame and so on - that took about two hours!)

Anyway it was a long job and I'm still not happy, but then I never am :cautious:

I hope you like it and if the urge returns I may do the studio shot right, still new skill learnt again - that being play more with the tablet!

Week 11 - Electric - Comic by magsnorton, on Flickr
Really on a roll.

Now I am very sorry for this tat, but when my wife gets the task of finding tacky I feel she truly excelled!

Two things to point out (for my own reputation for what it is) - she bought this, we did not have it in the house and it was only 20p (and the charity shops getting it back :))

I give you tacky...

Week 13 - Tacky - Bank on Butlins by magsnorton, on Flickr
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Week 11 - Wow, I've no idea how you did that but the result looks amazing. Electric was a difficult theme to think of anything exciting for it, but this does it in spades.

Week 12 - Really nice idea, and definitely on theme. As a minor niggle, or personal preference really, is that the pointing finger is a bit hard to make out at first glance. Maybe a crop could work better?

Week 13 - Definitely Tacky. :D Looks a bit over bright, but may well be my monitor.

Week 14 - Now why didn't I think of that? A simple take on the theme, and very effective. Having them strewn about covering the entire frame works well IMO. (y)
Thanks guys, after I posted I wondered if tacky was too white too, I tried it darker but wasn't keen.

On electric, once I swapped away from brushes it was much easier but the tablet helped a lot, but looking again I'm not too sure the colour works with the rest of the image.
It's the first time I got on with it, but the pressure sensative aspect allowed the point to be sharp but more pressure widened the brush, essential for that
Hi John

Electric...impressive pp as always ...I've only just started to get the hang of the lightning brushes & now you say you can draw them freehand :eek: I really need to get to grips with pp !

Tacky....errr...yes.....very bright but kinda suits the subject

Value....very very bright , nicely vibrant colors though & filling the frame works well

Direction...bright , effective use of DOf & the little fella's sharp as can be (y)
Thanks Lynne - now my light period is over its back to black...

I offer up greed :D

BTW something very odd happened here - all the bling look was lost when I exported as a jpg, so I had to grab a screenshot and save that instead!!

Week 15 - Greed - Loadsamoney by magsnorton, on Flickr
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Hi John....

Electric, great idea, and well executed with the lightning. Only thing for me (and this was probably your intent to fit the processing you chose), but I think the extremes of blacks and whites are too much here.

Direction - on theme, just a bit dull if I'm honest

Tacky - I lOve, think the brightness in the processing just allows the tack to flow from that. The gaudy colours and expression on the clowns face just summing it up.

value - well composed with the fronts and backs, and different orientations of the notes, a tad bright maybe? And I've turned my monitor brightness down quite a bit recently.

Greed - absolute perfection for me here. The expression, the clothing, the processing, the background, the bling on the gold text, the outline of the text.. all top notch.
(Just the empty left hand playing on my mind a little).
Thanks Graham great feedback :)

If I'm honest direction was a rush job - I was four weeks behind so just wanted to catch up, looking again and agreeing Lynne, even the crop needs some work. Totally my fault for being so rubbish!

Greed - I really struggled with the self portrait bit there - I must have taken 80+ images and that was the best of a bad lot, that said the open hand was deliberate (I just didn't have any more cash :D)
But he was free... I guess you get what you pay for :nuts:
Value - Nice literal take - well composed and lit well too. How much money are we looking at there?! lol. Nice one!

Greed - Not a massive fan of the background / font, but nice work on the PP skills!
Cheers for the feedback, greed was really ott :)

Money wise. It was £800, the one and only time I've ever seem that much money in my life! Funny really I've bought and sold more expensive, but to see it in cash rather than just numbers was an eye opener.
I like that a lot!(y)

As others have said, the head does a bit 'stuck on', but I can imagine it's bloody hard to get spot on. There's a great gloaty, arrogant feel to it, much like the original concept.
Electric, as soon as I saw it I thought of Banksy :D On theme and I like the cartoon feel to it.

Direction, again on theme, but a bit of a grab shot. But submitted (y)

Tacky, yeah, I'm a sucker for high key.

Value, lend's a fiver :D On theme but looks a bit over exposed.

Greed, cracker and a SP. I think the cropped hands accentuate the 'in ya face!' feel of this one :clap:

Hi John

Electric - good comp and use of the black/grey palette. lightning bolts work well.

Direction spot on theme and nice colours lower rigth but bright LHS detracts from the shot.

Tacky - I like the high key effect but just looks a tad too much on my monitor so that some of the definition has been lost.

Value - really money I think and not value. Also looks a bit bright to my taste

Greed - great idea, well handled. I like the way that the light has been handled and the animation in the subject - rally shouts greed a the viewer.
One week behind - but by my standards of late not that bad - I actually had this much earlier in the week but was looking for a better shot to post.

I imagine that the angle of the shot could have great post production options - perhaps a take on the baby scene from trainspotting or even climbing up a sky scraper, but I'm trying to learn the basic at the moment so don't have the time sadly.

By the way that tree although you can't tell is full of coins that over the years people have driven into it.

Anyway enough preamble.

Week 16 - Angle by magsnorton, on Flickr
Thank you :)

I did try, but once he spotted teh camera that was it he was off... just the way!

It was a padley grorge - a really nice spot with a very cheap ice cream van at the top