Join me for a lovely Thai meal.

woof woof

I like a nice Chianti
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Cooked by Mrs WW :D

She starts with a batter mixture containing mince and sausage slices. We're vegi so in our case so are the mince and sausage but obviously the recipe is flexible and you can use whatever you want. Once the batter is firm she roughly cuts it into (rather big) bite size pieces.


Next she adds bean sprouts and of course soy source.


Mixing it all together.


And lastly she serves it to a hungry me with two dollops of different spicy source on top. I mix it all together and eat it... quickly! :D


She does some lovely dinners and this is one of my favourites. It's popular in Thailand but I can't remember the Thai name :D

See you at our place for a nice Thai meal tomorrow?
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Compliments to the chef. That looks lovely.
Not only is she patient with your photography but she spoils you too! :D
You did what? :eek:
Fava beans on the side?

Finger trouble corrected!

I use a lap top and the pad is waaaaay to sensitive and sometimes causes me to backtrack and mess up what I type.

I'll try and be more careful, honest :D