journey photographers.



IS there any photographers that you can suggest that takes pictures whilst travelling on a journey? Even better, if the images are abroad?
Can you be clearer on what it is you require? I have read your question three times and am still unsure as to what you mean.
If i think you mean what i think you do....then there was one who hitch hiked across america (he lives there..), cant remember his name for the life of me..but it was fantastic!
IS there any photographers that you can suggest that takes pictures whilst travelling on a journey? Even better, if the images are abroad?

Are you quering an interest by "photogrophers" to take pictures on a "journey" especially "abroad" ? :thinking:A trip on a private jet would be nice :LOL::LOL::LOL:
I read a book by a lad from Edinburgh who decided to hitchhike round the world in a kilt, he took loads of photographs, but that was 10-15 years ago or summat and he wasn't a tog so the pictures were not great.
Basically for my photography project i have to take images following my own journey abroad in Fuerteventura following either documentary, landscape and or Architectural photographs. Then I've got to relate my work to photographers of which inspire me or who's work has similar qualities to my images.

Is that clearer? :confused: sorry. So basically some photographers names who have taken some great shots of oversea images, or Spain buildings, sea pictures or documentary abroad photo's.

When travelling, I love to shoot all the bustbins / garbage cans I can find. There is a lot that can be said about a country / community by what their garbage looks like!