JSA & Mortgage payments

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Since first signing on in January, after much fighting I was finally awarded JSA from the 1st April.
As I was at 13 weeks, they also sent me the forms to claim mortgage interest payments.
This has just been approved for about £130 a week. But they are taking my JSA payment for £67 to pay towards the £130 and will give me 10p a week JSA as the legal minimum from now on.
Has anyone else had this happen ?
Something similar seems to be happening to me - I am trying to claim JSA and housing benefit. However, the situation seems to be complicated as my wife (who I have been seperated from for two years) is still living in my old house (which I still own). They are maintaining that it is an asset and I should be reciving an income of £750 a month from it (even though I'm not getting anything) so they are reducing my payments by £750, leaving with me with £30 a month to live on.

So I suppose I'm pretty lucky compared to you!
Snap on the JSA payment part! I was made redundant after almost 20 years as a greenhouse farmer back in late March. I had the interview at the Job Centre on the 4th April and after one cock up after the other I still yet to recieve my first "wage packet". However, despiting all that, the council tax relief went through with no problems anyway.
I'm now convinced that the social services are going out of their way to make it as difficult for you as possible when it comes to making a claim hoping you give in and slip off the radar.

However, I am avoiding the option to have the mortgage involved in it all as I pay PPI to the mortgage company to cover payments in the event of being made redundant - but that too is being met with difficulty as 1) It now includes a 28 days excess and 2) I now have to issue a statement staying I'm looking for work every month and post it off to the insurance company.
I find that annoying as I have been paying them £20 a month with no skipped payments every month for the past 22 years. When it comes to my custom and my money, they're quite happy to take that but when it comes to making a claim (first time in over two decades), it's like trying to get blood out of a stone!

Thank heavens I have a very small mortgage anyway (£130 a month) with no loans or borrowings so there's no need for me to panic. Just as well as what with being in the mid 40's, 70% deaf in both ears (I wear hearing aids) and with no qualifications (apart from a handful of grade 4s CSEs), I have accepted that it's going to be a long time before I find myself being back in full time employment.
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feel for you all , i thought i was going to get the mortgage interest paid , so on the basis of that i held off paying anything off the mortgage , this was discussed and agreed with the lender and they were happy to wait till the payments kicked in , a week before the first payment i found out that nothing would be paid towards the mortgage interest , so now i am £600 in arrears ! , but also thankfully back in work , just have to agree a repayment plan now ........
so now i am £600 in arrears ! , but also thankfully back in work , just have to agree a repayment plan now ........

I was advised that the lender must consider certain ways to deal with arrears.

Have a read of section 13.3.4.A of this.


I do have a new job in the pipeline, but I am still going through banking checks for it and don't have a start date yet.
Thankfully I do not have to deal with a mortgage company as I am in a "housing association home"

My partner was made redundant while pregnant and myself on the day of our daughters birth. both had a JSA claim (joint) but the council now claim that they gave to much rent to the housing association even though they both deal with each other and not us (as a joint claim at the moment it should be have 100% covered) now we are told we are in arrears of £200+ but they both can not decide on how much!

just have to live each day until we get the bill through :/

good luck to you all!
I was advised that the lender must consider certain ways to deal with arrears.

Have a read of section 13.3.4.A of this.


I do have a new job in the pipeline, but I am still going through banking checks for it and don't have a start date yet.

thankfully paying off the arrears wont be a problem , i have a form from the lender to fill in detailing income and outgoings to decide how much is going to be repaid each month , which reminds me i need to fill it in .....
Just a quick update on this.

Yes they did take most of my JSA and used it to pay the mortgage interest.
This was even after checking with them and they said they were completely separate payments and I should get both.

They gave me a grand total of 10p a week, the legal minimum they have to pay apparently.

Just as well I am starting work next week.
Just a quick update on this.

Yes they did take most of my JSA and used it to pay the mortgage interest.
This was even after checking with them and they said they were completely separate payments and I should get both.

They gave me a grand total of 10p a week, the legal minimum they have to pay apparently.

Just as well I am starting work next week.

sounds about the same as what happened to me , good luck with the new job kidda (y)
sounds about the same as what happened to me , good luck with the new job kidda (y)

I second that.

Over here, two months ago since I was made redundant, the situation had changed very little for me, even right down to the Dole Office (or whatever it's called these days) still haven't settled my JSA claim. In fact, it was stopped after I failed to sign on the 22nd April. Of course someone on the system got a little overkeen on the "delete" button not realising 22nd April was a Bank Holiday (and I pointed that out before all that and they said it was okay and they can work around it). They quickly admitted having made a mistake but now I have to start all over again with the claim.
And despiting having done my best filling in the forms for my mortgage insurance with Aviva, I still haven't heard anything from them, even though I have provided them with just about every kind of information - and the rest.

After 28 solid years of working ever since I left school (for two firms and got made redundant by both) where I never have been off sick for more than two days on average per year, the system is quite happy to quickly take my money and I've accepted that . . . but when it comes to asking for a little bit of help by them at a time of REAL need, my word it's like trying to get blood out of a stone where it's being a slow old process. Heck, I've heard of glaciers moving along at faster pace.

Aaaaaand relax. There, that's got it out of my system. :bonk: :D
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