Judging distances.


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I eventually got my backside into gear and traveled the 50 or so miles to see the Pied billed grebe at RSPB Ham Wall in Somerset.Having read various sites for information on the bird there were/are some quoting 'down to 20ft',great stuff thinks I,but when I get to the area it has been seen in it is about 120ft to the waters edge and then the nearest the bird came was to around 300ft. Now I know some days it might have swam closer to the bank than today,but even if it climbed on the shore line it would still have been at least 120ft away, what do some people use to gauge distance or length,in which case,using other peoples methods I am far more "well blessed":clap::clap::clap::clap: than I had ever dreamed of. Needless to say,we saw the grebe but it was waaaaay too far to get any kind of decent shot without a massive crop.:thumbsdown:
How about focusing on it and seeing what the lens say? Or are you hoping to set the focus based on the judged distance?

The light was so appalling my camera did not even come out the bag.