Just a local Flight. Maybe better tomorrow.....

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As you may notice by my absence I have been a tad busy. I would like to share these from today, a quick local flight to make use of this great weather we have been enjoying in the Highlands.

#1 Kilcoy Hose

#2 Old disused railway line.

#3 Trees

#4 Long shadows even in the middle of the day

#5 This jagged edge seemed to suit the frosty day


#7 Where I live (house is second from left in foreground) with take off / landing fields

#8 North Kessock & Inverness - a bit foggy in Inverness today.

#8a (edit) A bit of fun when this fella came round me then underneath!

#9 Close up
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#10 And the whole of the Beauly Firth


#11 a (edit)
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Love the one of the misty bridge(y)(y). Yer a better man than me, you'd never get me up in a plane to take pics.
great set,love No 8 with those clouds on the bridge
While all of those shots are brilliant, No 8 and No 11 (the misty bridge shots) actually took my breath away. Those two shots are literally out of this world! It must be great having a head for heights, and an obscured view of the world.
Great set Gary,i'm curious about #11 (by the way there's two #11s )where about was that taken ,curious hollowed out shape in the field and the gorsh bush at the top of the shape.:shrug:
Was just about to mention #11 too, the long ditch topped with a ring of earth/shrubs, intriguing!
7 and 11 for me. Stunning to see that fog rolling in like that. I think that's what makes those two shots stand out amongst the rest.
I'm going to stop reading your posts soon :p

They're all amazingly good, my hat goes off to you, Sir! :)
Love the one of the misty bridge(y)(y). Yer a better man than me, you'd never get me up in a plane to take pics.

What makes you think he's up in a plane?

Nice pics Gary!

Love the foggy ones!
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Testicle retracting as always :D
Stunning as always Gary #8 ( the first #8 that is)
has the edge for me (y)
Great set Gary as always, the first number 8 and the first number 11 are my favourites. ;) I was also out with my dad today, funnily enough we saw some guy on a paramotor in the distance over the black isle... wonder who that could be? :thinking::D Took a few pics myself here a while after yours were taken. :)
Picture ten is my favourite, but they are all good, a great set!
Absolutely incredible, as said by others the two with the bridge are out of this world! No amount of money could ever, ever get me to go up on that high, on anything other than a commercial jet (I don't like it then either though!). I'm sure you get asked this every time you post a set, but what do you use? Is it a big kite-y thing with an engine? Sorry for asking the obvious!

Stunning set, how different things look from above, thank you (y)
Thanks for all the comments guys. I am pleased you get some pleasure from them too! (y)

Really like #8. Its like an army of clouds.
Thanks Pete, a good description that!

While all of those shots are brilliant, No 8 and No 11 (the misty bridge shots) actually took my breath away. Those two shots are literally out of this world! It must be great having a head for heights, and an obscured view of the world.

Not sure about the obscured bit but the head for heights is needed. ;)

Great set Gary,i'm curious about #11 (by the way there's two #11s )where about was that taken ,curious hollowed out shape in the field and the gorsh bush at the top of the shape.:shrug:

On the shore between Coulmore and Redcastle on the north side of the Beauly Firth (y).

What makes you think he's up in a plane?

Nice pics Gary!

Love the foggy ones!
It is an aircraft - I can't levitate! :LOL:

Testicle retracting as always :D
Stunning as always Gary #8 ( the first #8 that is)
has the edge for me (y)
Wait until you see what I did TODAY!

Absolutely incredible, as said by others the two with the bridge are out of this world! No amount of money could ever, ever get me to go up on that high, on anything other than a commercial jet (I don't like it then either though!). I'm sure you get asked this every time you post a set, but what do you use? Is it a big kite-y thing with an engine? Sorry for asking the obvious!

No prob Chris. It is a paramotor and basically a paraglider wing with a harness/motor on my back. (y)
Bet you it was cold up there thats for sure
Nice pics Gary, its been perfect flying weather down here too for the last couple of days. Clear skies, little to no wind. I'm hoping to go for a flight sometime this week with my Dad to capture a few shots. Maybe at night.
Love no.5 almost abstract. Great set, love the way the landscapes become flat from above, like a sea of textures.
really nice set gary! the wife bought me a day's paragliding for my b'day, and your shots are reminding me to get on and book it!
Just wanted to add my 2p worth of praise - particularly for No.11 - but they are all good.

Really really great set No's 8 and 11a stand out for me. Well done.
number 8 is wicked.
I love how the clouds are rolling over the bridge. Awesome sight.
All these photos are so sharp, no motion blur at all. nice work!