just broke my 50mm 1.8...

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... or rather my boyfriend did, grrrr. knocked off the kitchen table, hit the floor and came apart in four pieces and an orange contact strip has snapped. don't know if there's damage that i can't see as well. anyone have experience of having these lenses repaired and how much it might cost? and any reccomendations where's good to go - online or real live shops? am London based.

It would probably cost more than its worth to repair, especially with the damage you describe!
Buy a new one and stick the broken one in the classifieds or Ebay (list as broken), someone will have it.

Better than chucking it away.
Looks like your boyfriend is getting you a new lens ;)
haha, if only... unfortunately i bore him to tears with all my lens chat and he knows fine well how much this one cost. looks like all i'll be getting is 80 quid or so towards new lens. have 17-85mm i never use so can sell that too...

was loaned use of a nikkor manual 50mm 1.2 with an adaptor and am completely in love, but baulking at the cost and not so many on ebay either. 1.4 more realistic i'm thinking...