Just how good is the D700 ISO 10,000


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Well yes I probably sound like a fan boy but I am staggered at this picture. I took last evening, dark clouds and no light to speak of. Shot hand held 550mm with 1.4 converter VR on. 1/250 sec and F6.3 and ISO 10,000. I am positive there is more to come from this camera.

Click on pic for large, comments welcome.
Have to say that its very good indeed. Even on large the IQ is excellent and the noise levels are minimal.

Holy mother of God, that's amazing.

I'd love to see the equivalent shot taken on a D300.
I had a little processing to do in Capture took all of 5 mins, as for the D300 I had one and don't believe this shot would have been possible.!
I had a little processing to do in Capture took all of 5 mins, as for the D300 I had one and don't believe this shot would have been possible.!

No, nor do I, and it's that fact that means I won't be satisfied with anything less than a D700.
Hang on on I'll check.

Selective noise reduction around duck, selective sharpen around head, two colour control points and a 50% crop
Hang on on I'll check.

Selective noise reduction around duck, selective sharpen around head, two colour control points and a 50% crop

that's cool, but if you're showing what the camera can do at a particular iso...

why edit it? :shrug:

ads :D
would like to see the original straight from nx with maybe just sharpening for screen?

still impressive though
that's cool, but if you're showing what the camera can do at a particular iso...

why edit it? :shrug:

ads :D

Fair question, but I think you missed my point really, irrespective of what processing was done, the fact I was able to take this picture in the first place and end up as it is I find astounding.
Admittedly it doesn't exactly show what the camera can do, until you consider that the shot would not have been possible with the Canon 400d, maximum ISO 1600, i.e. 10% less. My shutter speed would have been 1/25
wow i am impressed! i am going to buy a D700 Very Very soon :)
That is mighty impressive. I'm quite amazed at that photo, thanks for sharing.

I too would like to see it straight out of the camera, except for sharpening? Thanks.

Feeb - are you still getting the D300?
Is it just me or do others find posts like this totally irresponsible?
I like many others am very happy with my D300 and I really do not want to know what this camera is capable of at high ISO’s.
Don’t you realise I’ve only just bought a new pc last week I’m itching to get a 50” plasma for the living room and now because of your reckless behaviour I must get D700 ASAP!!! :nono: :LOL:
Is it just me or do others find posts like this totally irresponsible?
I like many others am very happy with my D300 and I really do not want to know what this camera is capable of at high ISO’s.
Don’t you realise I’ve only just bought a new pc last week I’m itching to get a 50” plasma for the living room and now because of your reckless behaviour I must get D700 ASAP!!! :nono: :LOL:

Get yourself to a doctor, sounds like chronic GAS to me! :LOL:
Ok here is the original with no processing other than a .6 exposure correction(y)
Can any of us really detect noise in an image that size?

The test of any image is what it looks like is an A3 image, 6x4's or a low res online photo don't show much except extreme issues and the fact that the D700 is capable of taking a photo with those settings.
I've downloaded a number of nef files from the 'net and the D700 has to be one of, if not the best with noise, or lack of at high iso. I also found that to get the best out of the D700, Capture NX did the best job by far (even without any tweaking sharpening etc.) out of all the raw converters, including capture 1 and Adobe Camera Raw. Nikon know their algorithms like no other.

AFAIK nikon still don't bundle NX with their cameras, that is a big mistake, because without it, you cant release the full potential of a nikon imho.

The image quality of the D700 is so good, I cant think of any reason to buy the D3 or D3x. It will be interesting when the much rumoured 700x comes out because if all they do is increase the pixel count to 25m. and don't retain the noise capability of the D700, then there is little point in that either. 12m sparkling quality pixels out shine 25m noisy ones any day. It's going to be interesting.
Can any of us really detect noise in an image that size?

The test of any image is what it looks like is an A3 image, 6x4's or a low res online photo don't show much except extreme issues and the fact that the D700 is capable of taking a photo with those settings.

If you follow the link on flickr the full size pick is there
I think I have a bout of GIS (Gear Inadequacy Syndrome) coming on. My D200 looks like like that at ISO 800. This could end up costing me if I don't get the right treatment!
If you follow the link on flickr the full size pick is there

Aha! Sorry :D

Hmmm quite a bit of noise in that though. Mind you, I guess it depends what you want to do with it.

I've never been one to really push the envelope in ISO though to date, so don't really have any comparisons to make to be fair.

Re the question of the D700x (or whatever they eventually call their small bodied D3X), I'm sure the advantages the D700/D3 are simply a much lower pixel density, thats what makes the output so sublime vs the extremely similar technology D300 - and thats without talking about noise and high ISO's. Move along to the D700x and I think we'll see a non-cropped high pixel D300 again....
I have a 1DsII and a 5D and on a recent wedding my accomplice was using a 5DII. I have all the RAW files and I'm going to be doing a little comparison. :)

I'm going to be having a look at ISO vs shutter speed and comparing the noise. I know what I need to do to my own files and if I find that I still need to run through NR then what will I have gained if I spend £1300 on an upgrade of 5D to 5DII?

I've not yet encountered a situation where I literally could not get the shot but I am aware that shooting professionally there is a need to keep the equipment fresh. I will print a side by side at A3 as we do have a few shots that were taken at the same time. Should be interesting :)
so when you gonna post a good un up................:coat:

Amazing shot in those circumstances ...anyone want a MINTY D2x:LOL:
May be a bit off subject but I can remember buying ilford chrome 400 in the 80s hoping to get a nice grainy effect on some swans on a frozen lake...........:LOL:
Aha! Sorry :D

Hmmm quite a bit of noise in that though. Mind you, I guess it depends what you want to do with it.

I've never been one to really push the envelope in ISO though to date, so don't really have any comparisons to make to be fair.

Re the question of the D700x (or whatever they eventually call their small bodied D3X), I'm sure the advantages the D700/D3 are simply a much lower pixel density, thats what makes the output so sublime vs the extremely similar technology D300 - and thats without talking about noise and high ISO's. Move along to the D700x and I think we'll see a non-cropped high pixel D300 again....

remember though flickr does some funny things to uploaded pics. There is less noise showing pre upload. The main noise though is surrounding the duck and this area was very very dark due to tree lines. I agree with your comments about sensor size.

It is not a picture I would normally bother with but out trying a new lens. It was only when I looked at the shot after I was so suprised at how good it was and what I was able to do with it processing wise.

Well just for fun I thought I would have a go at the camera's absolute limit:D
Light was from embers of a burning fire, shot at F2 1/60 sec ISO 25600 ! if i were ever out stalking a werewolf by the lite of the morn at least I would get a pic of sorts LOL. I think shooting at a lower shutter speed tripod mounted and slightly over exposing the shot then running it through Neat image or noise ninja I could improve on this somewhat, but to be honest it is really not worth it.
Great image but you will get wrong as images can't be any bigger than 800 on the longest side. Where have you been:D
As tigger said, there is going to be an outbreak of GIS.

I want a D700 now :(