Just Joined

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Hi everyone. I was recommended to this site by sony53. I live and breath photography to the point where my wife calls me obsessed. ;)

I look forward to some banter and chat.. I am always willing to learn and ask questions. Also offer advice if I feel it is within my scope.

Wants : To be a pro wedding photographer when I grow up..lol I now have a little website at www.pjphotography.co.uk so I have made a start on my dream. Any comments are welcome ( well within reason :LOL::LOL:) or help would be very appreciated.

Cheers Phil
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welcome and hope you enjoy it here, just a little thing i had a look at your website and it took me ages to work out that the icons were the menu buttons

Thanks for that. Anyone else had trouble? Maybe I need to look at making the words a little brighter/bigger?