Just sold my first image

Congratulations on selling the images the boat is gorgeous. I would stick to the deal & take him up on the offer of a drink & tour then if he's a friendly guy to chat with ask him in the conversation if would like any more pictures taken he can only say no, changing the deal now will only annoy him. If he says no you've made a ton & spent a bit of time on a nice boat :)
You got lucky, then you got greedy, then you got stupid. 3 out of 3.

Bang on IMHO

You where happy wiht the 100 quid.. so happy you posted your story about your good fortune... Then what happened?

Personally I agree with 1. you got lucky. someone wants your pics.. they made an offer and your happy..

Its a bit like the old... "if it works don't try to fix it" .. you where happy.. don't spoil it just to make posters on a messageboard happy..

Thats my personal opinion :)
Bang on IMHO

You where happy wiht the 100 quid.. so happy you posted your story about your good fortune... Then what happened?

Personally I agree with 1. you got lucky. someone wants your pics.. they made an offer and your happy..

Its a bit like the old... "if it works don't try to fix it" .. you where happy.. don't spoil it just to make posters on a messageboard happy..

Thats my personal opinion :)

Couldn't have put it better. (y)
the old rule if you ask ten girls to sleep with you, you'll only get your face slapped 9 times

Its quite possible to get slapped 10 times :LOL:

I say take the money graciously and ALWAYS stick to the deal or you'll get a bad rep, its more than you were gonna get for them, and now you have a wealthy client you have "sold to" which always sounds good when trying to sell to another client. That in its self is worth its weight
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I didnt say he should go back on his deal as OP said he was happy, deals done, I said he could have got more, but to say he wouldnt put them anywhere on the net, isnt something I would do
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Congratulations Brad, and quick thinking........(y)

I once asked a Friend about a painting I bought (He's an artist) If he thought the painting was a good price,he said "if you are both happy it was a good deal" nuff said......
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not in my experience :whistle:

The girls must be easy as hell down there in east devon :LOL: ....i couldn't resist the setup man :shrug:

i've learned one thing from this thread....next yacht i see im snapping it....only thing is i live slap bang in the middle of the country id need to charge a fortune to cover the fuel. theres lots of trees though anyone wanna buy a canvas print of a tree ? i'll take 100 quid.
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The girls must be easy as hell down there in east devon :LOL: ....i couldn't resist the setup man :shrug:

i wouldnt know ive been married longer than ive lived down here :LOL:

not that i'm saying that girls in crewe (where i lived the single life for 3 years) are easy either - i prefer to put it down to my rugged good looks, suave debonair charm, and capacity for self delusion :LOL:
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i wouldnt know ive been married longer than ive lived down here :LOL:

not that i'm saying that girls in crewe (where i lived the single life for 3 years) are easy either - i prefer to put it down to my rugged good looks, suave debonair charm, and capacity for self delusion :LOL:

lol , do you miss the single life ? come on your wife wont read this :D
oh yes she will

but that aside i can honestly say that I don't - its all very well being jack the lad , but it gets a bit old after a while - even for one as handsome, charming, and modest as I
oh yes she will

but that aside i can honestly say that I don't - its all very well being jack the lad , but it gets a bit old after a while - even for one as handsome, charming, and modest as I

come on Pete.... Quasimodo could score in Crewe :cool:

(sorry to the OP for going off thread)

my 2p: you showed great initiative in contacting the owner of the boat and for that you should be proud that you negotiated and instigated your first sale. That's it! The terms and values involved are irrelevant. (y)
Don't forget to register with HMRC in the next three months.

Why if he's in Kefalonia?

Oh and well done on the sale - I'd be happy with £100 :D
Thanks guys, im more than happy with the deal that has been done. But now i know for next time.

Hey, if they end up in some huge advert on a £10,000 add campaign in london then at least it'll make me proud. but im sure the most he will do is put it on his site, or business cards etc.

Dave, the only reason i said i would not post it anywhere was due to a massive confusion on my part about what you offer when you sell an image. I'ts my first time and i didnt know what do write.

He asked, what he would get the for money, so i tried to make it as attractive as possible to him.

Can someone please jsut run by me what i should offer, and differnt types of copyright etc. Or better still link me to somewhere, must be on this forum somewhere.

Thanks again
Why if he's in Kefalonia?

well alledgedly you're supposed to pay tax even in greece - though looking at the state of their economy i guess thats debatable :LOL:
But it wouldn't be HMRC ;)
Can someone please jsut run by me what i should offer, and differnt types of copyright etc. Or better still link me to somewhere, must be on this forum somewhere.

In very simple (grossly oversimplified) terms when you sell an image you can either licence it for

1) non exclusive use : ie they can use it but you can still use it, sell it elsewhere etc

2) exclusive use for type : e.g if you sold an image to a postcard company you might guarantee not to sell it to another postcard company, but would still be able to use it elsewhere (these types of deals tend to be time limited as in you cant sell it to another postcard company for x years)

3) Exclusive use: which is essentially what you've done here - the image can be used exclusively by the purchaser and you can't use it elsewhere

Or 4) (if you are feeling truly daft) you can sell the copyright - the difference between that an exclusive use being that if you transfer the copyright they can then sell the pic to third parties, licence uses etc.

in terms of how this relates to the cost, its not possible to say how much you should charge for each type as that will depend very much on how unique the picture is , but for any given image i would usually expect option 1 to comand the least wedge and option 3 the most ( I wont do option 4 unless theres a shedload of cash on the table)
But it wouldn't be HMRC ;)

true - but broadly speaking ex pats , or brits who are abroad temporarily should still be paying taxes here, not where they are temporarily living - so if the OP is british and just out in greece short term, he would still need to register with HMRC
true - but broadly speaking ex pats , or brits who are abroad temporarily should still be paying taxes here, not where they are temporarily living - so if the OP is british and just out in greece short term, he would still need to register with HMRC

Tell me none of you are serious about registering this with HMRC, you must be joking. its £100 :clap:
In very simple (grossly oversimplified) terms when you sell an image you can either licence it for

1) non exclusive use : ie they can use it but you can still use it, sell it elsewhere etc

2) exclusive use for type : e.g if you sold an image to a postcard company you might guarantee not to sell it to another postcard company, but would still be able to use it elsewhere (these types of deals tend to be time limited as in you cant sell it to another postcard company for x years)

3) Exclusive use: which is essentially what you've done here - the image can be used exclusively by the purchaser and you can't use it elsewhere

Or 4) (if you are feeling truly daft) you can sell the copyright - the difference between that an exclusive use being that if you transfer the copyright they can then sell the pic to third parties, licence uses etc.

in terms of how this relates to the cost, its not possible to say how much you should charge for each type as that will depend very much on how unique the picture is , but for any given image i would usually expect option 1 to comand the least wedge and option 3 the most ( I wont do option 4 unless theres a shedload of cash on the table)

Ok thats great, thanks mate (y)
Tell me none of you are serious about registering this with HMRC, you must be joking. its £100 :clap:


I can't tell if they are serious or tounge in cheek... maybe its a compliment as in hey! your starting to sell and word could get around and your going to sell loads.... haha :)

I can't tell if they are serious or tounge in cheek... maybe its a compliment as in hey! your starting to sell and word could get around and your going to sell loads.... haha :)

That'd be lovely :love:
I'm sure Ken Dodd said something similar. Ee by gumm:LOL:

:LOL: indeed so, but he had his 'tickle stick' to get him out of trouble!
Congratulations, I would be proper made up if I sold some pics for £100.
Make sure you get your tour of the yacht and I hope you get some more work out of it.
Having fully read the thread and also reading between the lines, Why would a yacht owner with great wealth want to buy images of his yacht when he already has his advertising already sewn up .... ?

Maybe there were clients onboard who he did't want to risk being published in the tabloids.... Cheap cover up ??

Maybe the invite onboard was to ascertain as to whether there were more images...

Well we will never know ....
It is a start and I understand your joy, congrats. However in my opinion the price is a steal at lest if you gave the copyrights as well to the buyer.
It is a start and I understand your joy, congrats. However in my opinion the price is a steal at lest if you gave the copyrights as well to the buyer.

The price is what the customer wanted to pay. The price is what the photographer was happy with .... Thus the price is perfect.
KIPAX said:
The price is what the customer wanted to pay. The price is what the photographer was happy with .... Thus the price is perfect.

Correctomundo !
I dont see why alot of you think i should have charged more.

If i spotted a 30ft boat, would i charge less :wacky:

Just because this guy is a multi millionaire and has a bunch of pics already doesn't mean he should pay more. He prob just liked the images and maybe wanted to print a couple.

That said mabe he will use them to sell to customers, we will never know.
-.- didt read past page one!
Congrats on first sale but i would push for a higher price for 15 images.
Best of luck
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