Just won 2 tickets to something called London Zoo Lates 2013?!

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Entered some competition recently and forgot about it, but the postman just arrived with 2 tickets! Anyone heard of such before? Looks good but it's a bit short notice as the tickets are for tomorrow!!!
Just had a look, I was more engrossed in the idea of a camera opportunity but can't find anything to suggest if I can take it along!
Not entirely sure if I can make the event at such short notice though, considering we only went to London on Tuesday for the Bowie exhibition!
Sod's law! TBH, it may be worth the extra trip but I would check to see what the photography rules are and the blasted child situation is.

Might also be worth contacting them this afternoon to see if you can postpone the date due to you being 100 miles or so away from the place - can't hurt to ask.
Just be careful of those young animals kicking over the Yongnuos - they're worse than schoolchildren.
I've been to one of these and they're great fun :) I took my camera, although at the time I had no real interest in photography so it was just a point and shoot. I'm pretty sure you could take any photos you want though. It's essentially just the zoo but open at night and with booze.

Edit: Looked on the site and it even says "Bring your friends, your picnic blanket, your camera and your sense of adventure"
Just juggling with plans at the mo, I've got a shoot tomorrow with some friends for the pre-wedding photos (I shoot at 7 at the mo because I like adding some sun glare etc) but we'll see. If I can't make it then I'll give the tickets away on here :)

I spoke to the PR company and the tickets can't be changed due to being won - sods law!
And the Yongnuo's will be placed with Hazard tape this time to avoid adolescent adults :p
Its a shame they wouldn't let you change the tickets I hope you get to go as it does sound like quite an adventure, grown ups in a zoo its brilliant !
Did you go to this in the end? Looking to go at some point as I've heard it's pretty nice and the lack of children appeals to me!
Unfortunately not Danny, it was too much short notice to get up to London :( I've reapplied for the competition again though just in case! If you go to Facebook it's being run by a Czech brewery called Kofel I believe! :)
That's a shame you didn't get there but I hope you win tickets again - long shot but do you have the link to the competition I would like to try have a go ? Also even though I have children I like the idea of a zoo with no children in as well haha
The photos on that flyer put me right off! Makes it look like just another 'cool, alternative' boozer to talk about at the water cooler.
I know. It has that sort of idiotic swank to it. I was more interested in seeing the animals as most wake up around 8 pm due to being nocturnal. I seriously can't be bothered with dealing with student types wondering about making a mockery of the poor animals!
Went to the Whipsnade equivalent a few years ago and, although there were booze tents and entertainment, they were kept to a small area of the park. We were still able to see the animals away from the partying.

A couple of my favourites from that evening.

DSC07998 by Fabs., on Flickr

DSC07962 by Fabs., on Flickr
We walked past the Zoo last night whilst one of the Zoo Lates was on, lots of face painted fully grown women, glasses of wine, and general sounds of noise and fun being had...

That's put me off the idea now ! I liked the idea of being there in the evening to see more nocturnal animals and also without children when its calmer, not to paint my face and glam up - should I win tickets I would look like a tramp in between all the glams :LOL:
Sounds like a great idea (late opening, not the booze!), I would pay good money for a nice evening stroll around Marwell, 6-10pm would be lovely at this time of year.
Sounds like a great idea (late opening, not the booze!), I would pay good money for a nice evening stroll around Marwell, 6-10pm would be lovely at this time of year.

I agree, could be worth putting an email together and seeing if they would host something like that for a reasonable price!
That's put me off the idea now ! I liked the idea of being there in the evening to see more nocturnal animals and also without children when its calmer, not to paint my face and glam up - should I win tickets I would look like a tramp in between all the glams :LOL:

:LOL: dont worry, there seemed to be a whole mix of people, from ladies in frocks, to those more normal ones like us, jeans, t-shirts, rucksack, and silly big camera ;)

to be honest, I have to say, it looked like great fun if you wanted an evening out, but if a serious trip to the zoo is what you want, forget it, not happening.
I followed the link when I asked the other day - and I won tickets for this Friday:LOL:

and thank you I like the idea of being called normal for a change :LOL:
Looking forward to your review/photos ;)
Oh cool does that mean you can't get snap happy then though ? I am looking forward to seeing what I can take pictures of now :)
Oh cool does that mean you can't get snap happy then though ? I am looking forward to seeing what I can take pictures of now :)

It does but I've shot a lot of the animals in the wild and I'm out shooting on Sunday too.
I saw these events advertised recently and I naïvely thought the evenings were to provide quiet time for adults only, so that grown up people could enjoy the zoo and the animals free from screaming children. From what I've read in some of the reviews, I could not be more wrong, and I certainly won't be going.

What a shame we can't sling people to the lions like we used to! From the sounds of it, that's what some of them deserve.
I saw these events advertised recently and I naïvely thought the evenings were to provide quiet time for adults only, so that grown up people could enjoy the zoo and the animals free from screaming children. From what I've read in some of the reviews, I could not be more wrong, and I certainly won't be going.

What a shame we can't sling people to the lions like we used to! From the sounds of it, that's what some of them deserve.

Yes agree with you there
I was hoping that our local zoo, Chester would do something like that but I wouldn't want to go if that's what goes on
I saw these events advertised recently and I naïvely thought the evenings were to provide quiet time for adults only, so that grown up people could enjoy the zoo and the animals free from screaming children. From what I've read in some of the reviews, I could not be more wrong, and I certainly won't be going.

What a shame we can't sling people to the lions like we used to! From the sounds of it, that's what some of them deserve.

If thats what you want Marwell do sunset safaris for groups after closing in the summer months - http://www.marwell.org.uk/functions/sunset-safaris-and-other-events.asp admittedly it won't be cheap
I saw these events advertised recently and I naïvely thought the evenings were to provide quiet time for adults only, so that grown up people could enjoy the zoo and the animals free from screaming children. From what I've read in some of the reviews, I could not be more wrong, and I certainly won't be going.

What a shame we can't sling people to the lions like we used to! From the sounds of it, that's what some of them deserve.

Do an overnight stay in the Lookout Lodges @ Whipsnade
I did earlier this year. choose an adults only night and it's a
great experience
Excess alcohol and tigers... what's not to like?

I don't think I could go to one of these events - my anger towards other people would probably lead to some kind of conviction.
I see ZSL have taken a step away from the 'party' theme this summer, which is good. I might even rejoin them as I've missed Whipsnade and perhaps London a little too.
