Juvenile Starling



Like a few of us on TP I got one of the Aldi feed stations a while ago, I was never big on photographing bird myself, but could always see the skill and patience of people like CT who post stunning shots.

Well I now have a few different species of bird coming into my backyard, nothing fancy but I can see the appeal of get a shot of that new one :) . I'm slowly ticking them of in my little "Birds In Your Garden" pamphlet (well then ones I can find in it, as there was a new bird today not in my pamphlet)

Up much early than I normally do this morning, and the birds a queuing on my shed to have their turn at the breakfast table, there are dozens of them :)

Anyway now to my photo, it's only a juvenile starling, but it's a start :LOL:

Nice image.

What program are you using for your border/shooting data?
