Critique Katie in Black and White

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Hi all
Not been on here for a while but thought I would share this shot of young Katie taken friday night. I'm pleased with it so thought I'd hand it over to the experts for some C&C which is always welcome (good or bad)

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Awfully nice that. Nothing constructive to add I am afraid, only praise.
same here...almost! Whatever is poking into the frame on the right hand side could easily be removed, otherwise, love it! :)
Thanks to everyone for the replies. It's made my day that you all like it. Again, many many thanks.
This is really kick ass IMO. The addition of the lights in the frame is superb.
Sorted.... It was actually just the vert end of a window sill...

Hi Marc. I am a big Mono fan, and I like this a lot. The props are terrific and along with the model give a retro feel to the picture. the hint of back light is really retro and works beautifully. I did look at the space on the Right, but the more I look it does give good balance to the black lamp housing on the left. Really nice piece of work

Love this photo but how did you get the lighting right without the lamp on the right affecting the shot? I thought it over expose in some way. I'd love to be able to take shots like these. Well done!
Thanks Phil. That back light is turned down to its lowest setting with a honeycomb grid on it to really focus the light on to the back of Katie's head.
The vintage feel in this shot is sublime. Very 1950's.
No complaints here
Superb photography:clap:and everybody above had already said what i feel about this image :) bravo...
Hi Marc, What a cracking image. I just love this. Image/processing/and of course a Stunning model. It's got them all(y)
For the third time, thankyou all for your replies. Just to let you know that the model in the shot is the lovely Katie Attwater. She's 15 years old and she's gonna be big in the industry. Seriously guys and girls, remember the name and watch this space. ;-)