Kell's TP 52 2020 - Weeks 51 and 52.

The first one is my top pick. A great reflection and those two oof items in the background do make the chef look bigger that maybe it really is.
A sad back story, but a nice personal memento.

Condolences to you and yours Kell :)
Sorry to hear of your loss, although a nice story at the same time and a lovely memento.
Lovely image for Graceful (well the first 2 anyway :LOL:)

I think you picked the right one for the main thread although No 2 is just a s good.

As for No 3 well erm...... Great self portrait:)
#2 butterfly for me too Kell nice and graceful (y)
The less said about disgraceful the better I feel
Nice fun image for graceful. I like that..
Week 31 - Static.

Had a couple to choose from this week. Some which probably fit the theme a little better, but I liked this merged pano for the main thread.

I've been trying to get a shot with both the sun and moon in for a while, but whenever 've seen them both, I've not had my camera (and vice versa).

If I was going to do anything again, I'd go down the slipway a little to get the beacons to break the horizon line and add a little more interest, but other than that, I'm pretty pleased with how it came out.

Taken at Instow Quay, North Devon when the tide had gone out and the boats were all Static.

TP52 - WK31: Static 01 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

Also taken from almost the same spot, but another day during a bike ride with my brother-in-law. We'd done about about 20 miles (and had about 5 left) when pulled in to the Quay Inn for a cider. Left the bikes Static for a bit.

TP52 - WK31: Static 02 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

Finally, one from Portmore Golf Club, just as it had closed for the evening and we were all leaving a function there.

TP52 - WK31: Static 03 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr
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Nice pano :)
Nice panorama, nice colours in the sky as well.
Hi Kell,

Nice Pano, love the colours, bet it looks fabulous when viewed large.

Nice set Kell.
I'm going with the bikes for static.
Love the colours in your second pano, but the first one certainly works for the theme. Looks like you can just make out the merge lines though unfortunately - but it could just be the cloud lines in the sky.
Lovely pano there. The sky is lovely on #3 but #1 works better of the theme imho.
Good set, panoramas work well but for me the bikes are the most static.
Week 32 - Pattern

IMG_8869 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

IMG_8871 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

IMG_8882 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

I figured there might be a few graters, so tried to do something different with mine.

IMG_8887 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

Wasn't really happy with this shot, but there were some nice colour reflections in it. Even so, it wasn't doing anything, so I upped the saturation to full and it was a bit more interesting.

IMG_8881 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

When you've got to Van Gogh, you've got to Van Gogh. Sunset taken through our bathroom window. created interesting patterns.

IMG_8890 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

IMG_8895 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr
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The second Venetian blind is a cracker, but I think you got the right one in the main thread. The swirls are quite mesmerising.

The well saturated grater is pretty nice as well - a bit more than interesting I'd say! It almost looks like a piece of cross-polarised plastic!
Static: Nice. Could the sun and moon be a juxtaposition also?

Pattern: All cracking. I'd have gone with the blinds.
Graceful - Don't let @Cobra or @Allan.H know I've commented on a bug shot ;) I don't mind this as the focus is the wings and not some nasty bug face !
Static - #3 for me. I wsa torn between it and #1, but the range of colours in #3 nudges it for me.
Pattern - I'm going to go with the second set of blinds, only I don't think it needs to be portrait. I feel that a square crop would work - it would concentrate your view of it.
3 good shots, but I think you've picked the right one for the main thread.

A lot to choose from there. They're all pretty good.
A nice little shoe horn Kell :D
I could barely spot you after having my eyeballs burned out by those gloves, I am just glad we can't see your lycra clad lower half.


I bought the gloves for a ‘wear pink’ charity ride in aid of Cancer research.
Well I guess if you'd gone to a rave, you'd be well camouflaged.
Very true.. nicely fitting for both theme and technique. Pink and red is a very trendy combo!