

TPer Emeritus
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Allow me to introduce Ken, a character I had the pleasure of meeting this weekend. He is a dressage instructor who lives in Spain (hence the tan) and is over here for the weekend conducting a clinic at the stables where my wife keeps her horse. A very interesting guy who amongst other things is an ex-Commando and has ridden for the Spanish Riding School. He has the most intense blue eyes and face full of character which I wanted to capture. Luckily I was able to grab him for 30 seconds and positioned him with a dark background, I had no lights with me so this was lit with available light.

D3, 70-200mm @ 95mm, f/5, 1/400th, ISO200.

That's a great portrait.

If I had to be picky, it would have been nice to get a bit of seperation between his shirt and background on the left.

When I opened it at first and started to scroll down I did wonder why his hair was blue!

Cracking shot.(y)
I like that. it's very natural. I would have to agree about a little more separation needed..
great shot, really brings out the character, lights would let you get the separation from the BG but it works great available light
A good, tidy portrait. He defo has a great face and you have done very well with the light.

However, although it is a good shot, given that he has such an interesting job it might have been nice if you could have got him in an environment that gives some indication of the life of the man rather than just his image. :)
Thanks for all the comments. Ideally I would have liked a portrait with impact that showed what he does and if I'd had time I would have had him holding a saddle but as I said earlier this was literally a 20-30 second shoot. Again if I'd had more time (and had the kit with me :D) I would have fired a snooted flash behind him for the separation. C'est la vie!

Ali, as to the blue hair I don't why it has come out like that!
Another great shot.

I wonder if the grey hair is picking up the blue from the ambient light ?
Thats a great shot. How does everything you point a camera at seem to make a great photo? Come on, whats your seceret?
The second is a beautiful shot with great texture - love it!
Thanks Chaz, sometimes I can't see what is staring me in the face. :bang: :D

I presume you just warmed these up a tad?
Just seen this - Great shot (y)
There are times when you just have to grab the shot.
I prefer your cropped headshot to the original.
2nd one for me Colin .... great capture and great lifestyle shot
Bill's in the post. ;)


Cracking charatcer study Colin.


Missed the bit about his tan.

Tan enhanced version.

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I dont have time to try it now but this one's an ideal candidate for the Drag don't you think (I put Drag because I can't remember the spelling and Dragan doesn't look right ;) )
I dont have time to try it now but this one's an ideal candidate for the Drag don't you think (I put Drag because I can't remember the spelling and Dragan doesn't look right ;) )

You were right anyway - 'Dragan Effect' Yep - should work well.
Tahnks Cedric, I like the second one, what was your processing?
Tahnks Cedric, I like the second one, what was your processing?
For the blue hair just desaturate the hair using selective (hand drawn) masks - it's a doddle against that black background. Desat in small sections rather than trying to do it all in one mask.

To enhance the tan just reduce the gamma overall - it's probably a tad light anyway? I tried increasing the red but it starts to look like radiation burn rather than tan.
Top shots H
Prefer the crop version.
Interesting processing shots thrown in the ring too.
Well here's an attempt at Dragan. It really needs a bit more playing but this guy has a great face to work with

I quite like this portrait. It comes across to me like a proper corporate power pose.

Good job well done with the available light too. :) As for the blue hair, nothing a little more PP wouldn't/couldn't fix.