Kingfisher Musings.


Bo Derek
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It's moving on at the river.

The first brood have fledged. I missed the actual fledging but I did see 3, maybe 4 young hanging around the site as well as both parents, that was on the 4/06/21.

Then it went quiet......

I spent quite a lot of time at the nest site. There were no signs of kingfishers for over a week, adult or young birds. I did think I heard the odd peep of an adult, probably the male calling but no sightings or activity in any other way. I had expected the adults to move to another nest excavation nearby but there was no sign of this. I was dismayed. I managed to spend time with another kingfisher locally (away from its nest), which helped pass the lull at my licenced site.

Yesterday (14/06/21) was much the same pattern. My routine has been never to go straight to the nest site, I've always looked from up river, walked by the site, then looked from down river to see if there's any activity or anybody around before going to the site itself. It was on my down river lookout that I heard a kingfisher calling yesterday, it was the male, doing the peep he does when calling the female. I'd heard this at the first nest, he would call her when she was sitting on the nest and she would come out. This is the call I heard yesterday. I carried on walking down river, and eventually, saw the tell tale signs of kingfisher activity on the opposite bank. I sat and waited and within a few minutes, the male arrived. Not long after, the female appeared on a branch sticking from the banking, so I can only pressume, she had come off the nest. They had no idea I was waitching and just carried on with their business. I sat and watched for a while and then, left them to it. I later saw the female disappear under a lip of over hanging grass along the top of the riverbank.

So, happy days, we're on again, the pair appear to have moved a little way along the river and still within my licence boundary. I think angles might be easier and better at this site as it's not quite so overgrown, it only has remnants of Burma, whereas the original site, is now full Burma. ;)

For those that might be new to my kingfisher antics, all Sched 1 requirements have been met. (y)

This is very raw video and un edited, I've not yet made any inroads into setting up for photography or otherwise as of yet. I'll have to check out the site and insure no undue disturbance will happen before I even contemplate putting out perches. it's not quite so public at this point either, which helps put some of my anxieties to rest.

The male.

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Back last Sunday, got the female. Still a way to go image wise

Been a hectic few days on the homefront which has taken up my time but all being well, I'm going back today to put out some perches. I feel much more relaxed at this site as it's away from the main footpath and the cover is now very dense too, so unlikely to encounter humans just now.

First time trying my new chair and scrim, it's no fun sitting on the river bank with no seat. Today though, I'll be taking the hide.

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I sometimes really do have to pinch myself. An amazing 5 hours or so today, sat on the riverbank, spent a good hour of that with 2 birds. This one I think is a young male, the legs are quite dark. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Sore bum, sore neck, soaked through but worth every second, such a privilege.

Only bait was the perch.

M5, Sigma 150-600C.

So yesterday, this happens. I'd thought it was only a young male surviving the first brood but this turned up yesterday, looks like a young female to me.

I'm suprised they are still around as both adult birds are too, this is almost a week now.

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It looks like I have my own kingfisher location. A comment from a farmer friend, a trailcam and a prime stick has confirmed they're about (my trailcam isn't good enough to clearly sex both of a pair visit the stop or a single bird). Obviously given the time of year I need to do my due diligence before I dive in further but hopefully I've got something that will deliver long-term.
It looks like I have my own kingfisher location. A comment from a farmer friend, a trailcam and a prime stick has confirmed they're about (my trailcam isn't good enough to clearly sex both of a pair visit the stop or a single bird). Obviously given the time of year I need to do my due diligence before I dive in further but hopefully I've got something that will deliver long-term.

Awesome. I wish you luck and look forward to the results. (y)

Numerous visits to the perch are now occurring throughout the day, with a decent rate of fish-catching. With one exception it's always been a single bird; once there were two birds briefly on the perch, then once chased off the other. There's definitely no nest on the stretch of water I have access to, and a lack of any sort of bank that would support one.
The adult male, a few days ago, working hard and looking scruffy. The female looks the same.

Not quite as sharp as I'd like, slow shutter speed and slight movement spoiled it a little.

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To finally follow up on my earlier post:

Kingfisher by Paul Whitbread, on Flickr

I've managed to have a number of sessions by the stream with this young lady in attendance. All evidence points to her being the only bird using the stretch of water. She was also remarkably unperturbed by the presence of my popup hide and perched adjacent to it on the first visit.
To finally follow up on my earlier post:

Kingfisher by Paul Whitbread, on Flickr

I've managed to have a number of sessions by the stream with this young lady in attendance. All evidence points to her being the only bird using the stretch of water. She was also remarkably unperturbed by the presence of my popup hide and perched adjacent to it on the first visit.

OK, round 2 begins, my first recce under licence conditions this year happens today. I'm looking forward to the next few months and putting into practice the things I learned last year. It was a privilege last year but from an imagery point of view, I think I could've done better, so we'll see this year.

If it takes off, I will start a new thread in one of the wildlife forums and put any images in there.
Looking forward to seeing the results.