Knockhill BTCC 24th-25th August 2013

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Was a good weekend out. My second time having a go at Motorsport photography. But I did find my d3100 and 55-200mm a bit limiting at times...
One problem I was having though was not being able to get the whole car in focus! I was able to get part of the car in focus, but then the other bits would be blurry. Am not sure if that's to do with my camera, lens, technique or shutter speed :thinking:

C&C welcome, got loads more photo's on my Flickr :
And Facebook :

Knockhill BTCC by Wisey., on Flickr

Knockhill BTCC by Wisey., on Flickr

Knockhill BTCC by Wisey., on Flickr

Knockhill BTCC by Wisey., on Flickr

Knockhill BTCC 2013 (1 of 1) by Wisey., on Flickr

Knockhill BTCC by Wisey., on Flickr
Thanks :)

Really enjoyed shooting Motorsports, think I need a bit or practice before I think about upgrading any of my kit though. Still not happy with the sharpness of some of them. But just not sure if its down to the camera, lens, technique or a bit of everything :LOL:
Second time, are you sure these are really good especially with the shutter you used so you have certainly nailed your panning. The one crit from me is two the car is extremely vibrant and needs toning down just a tad.

In regards to the whole car being sharp its all to with the car moving in a different direction to the par your focussing on if that makes sense. It does not always stop it but using a slightly higher shutter speed or someone said if you increase the aperture it will increase how much of the car is in focus.
Hopefully someone else will come in and explain it as I am the worst person at explain things.
Cheers guys! I do get what you mean about 2 but was at the end of a long edit and was getting a bit bored, so was a case of 'that will do' :bonk:

Yeah it's my second time panning. All the photo's on my Flickr are from the last 2 weekends. My ones from last weekend I couldn't get the shutter speed down below 1/160 and get acceptable photo's. And at the BTCC I started off at 1/250 and slowly lowered it and finally got down to 1/60 by the end and getting acceptable photo's. Was quite pleased with myself :D.

Get what you mean about the whole car not moving at the same speed. Just wasn't sure if it was down to the my technique or equipment. Only thing I found annoying sometimes was my reach and lower light was a bit of a struggle.

4 was just before he spun off the track, tried to track him but all my shots after that one were blurry :(