Kodak Elite Chrome and Plus-X Discontinued

Elite Chrome 100 was always going to go sooner or later, its too similar to E-100G and with the amount of 'consumers' using slide film for holidays etc having dropped considerably then I imagine there was just not enough being sold to keep it going. Still theres Elite Chrome 100 Extra Colour which is a quite nice film and slightly cheaper than the very similar professional E-100VS, skin tones are more 'ruddy' with it compared to E-100VS though.

Its sad when films are discontinued, but if losing a few along the way keeps film in production then its something that we film users are just going to have to accept.

Kodak tried to discontinue plus-x and tri-x at one point after the T-grain films had been introduced but a backlash from professional users forced them to reverse the decision, sadly this time I don't think there'll be enough to save Plus-X again, its already been discontinued in 120, 220, sheet and 16mm and super 8 motion picture film for a year or so so the 35mm was going to go at some point. I've never really heard of anyone using it too much anyway, FP4+ seems to be what everyone goes for in the ISO 125 category.
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Plus-X, surprised it lasted as long as it did with loads of better alternatives available.
Never liked Plus X always preferred FP4 but I would be gutted if Tri X was to be discontinued, I have always thought it to be the best all round film available for 35mm.
All very true, if it helps Kodak to continue making Tri-X and T-Max (as well as the Portra/Ektar film) then I'm all for it!
Kodaks quarterly results are out later today, could mark a major restructure from the company who was an early pioneer in digital photography, and decided to take another direction.

Just hope Portra and Tri-X will be around for the next few years.
Stories of their demise were not true.. (except for Elite Chrome)

However what Kodak made of the, "Meh, they weren't the best anyway", comments that the miscommunication resulted in across the web is anyones guess..
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Plus-X ≠ Tri-X Pan

Plus-X is still discontinued as far as I can see it. I hadn't heard anything about T-Max 400, and I doubt that is going anywhere for a while since it is Kodak's best performing B&W film. Besides, 7dayshop sold single rolls out of pro-packs anyway.
Kodak's only good slide film was Kodachrome and that's dead, in my opinion Fuji slide films are just better than what Kodak offers now. B&W films are equal, but Kodak is wiping the floor with Fuji in the colour negative department, Ekatr and Portra are way ahead.
Personally I quite like E-100VS and Elite Colour 100 Extra Colour, their both saturated but unlike Fujichrome Velvia they have more of a 'natural' high saturation look (can't quite think how to describe it other than that). I've not tried E-100G but I imagine that its similar to Provia 100F.

Kodak films have always leaned towards being more natural/neutral coloured whilist Fuji tend to be much more 'vivid'. I like Velvia etc but I believe that they have a place as does the Kodak slide films.
Kodak's only good slide film was Kodachrome and that's dead, in my opinion Fuji slide films are just better than what Kodak offers now. B&W films are equal, but Kodak is wiping the floor with Fuji in the colour negative department, Ekatr and Portra are way ahead.

And this is the thing. It's great to have a wide selection of emulsions because everyone favours and opts for different things, so when that range of choice diminishes yet further, its a sad day even if you don't personally shoot (or like) those emulsions.
I don't know what anyone would not like 125PX. It has a wonderful tone range. I stopped using it mostly to standardize on some other films but I like the results I got from it. What's the grief?

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Think market forces have done that ;)

Yes, apparently. But I've shot FP4+ before and to make a bold claim it is better at everything ignores the film's characteristic curve and is more of a fanboy statement than of fact. :p
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