"L" flashing on my Canon when trying to change aperture

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Tonight I encountered an odd issue with my 5Dm3 - when I am in manual or any of my custom modes, trying to change the aperture results in L flashing on the display, and the aperture not changing. It works fine in Av mode though.

I'm guessing I've accidentally locked something somewhere but a Google search has turned up nothing and the manual doesn't mention this.

Anyone know what's going on?
Oh god, I just noticed that the wheel had been accidentally locked. I've never used it (the Lock button) before and didn't even think to check anything around the wheel.

I feel like a dumbass now.
Glad you got it sorted, I've never locked mine either by accident or purpose but I'm sure it's easily done. Remember, there's no such thing as a dumb question, but plenty of dumb answers lol.