Lack of Hay Bails

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I went to shoot some hay bails I had seen this morning and the sodding farmer had collected them all, none of this day of rest s**t. I've not seen too many round me this year, maybe I haven't been looking, anyway this was the only one I got, had to make do with absolutely no fg interest.

I am debating the Earth to Sky balance in this image. I think one is more interesting than the other and should have more of the real estate, just don't know which.
I tend to agree - there's a pretty good crop that puts the horizon on the upper thirds line. I can see why you've left all of that sky in, but it loses effect towards the top. Cool PP, too.
I like that lots. I'm not sure it would be as good with a hay bale cluttering up the place. The simple drama you've created there is doing it nicely as it is.
I like that lots. I'm not sure it would be as good with a hay bale cluttering up the place. The simple drama you've created there is doing it nicely as it is.

You have a nice balance of textures between the sky and the cut corn
Thanks folks, I was a bit wary of having the horizon too central but it was the only way to include all the elements I wanted, I didn't especially want to change my shooting height, I'm a big fan of 16mm on the 5D
Great shot. BTW, I think you are after straw bales by looking at the pic (y)
Thanks Bog, I was actually fairly uninspired with the landscape so I did a bunch of HDR shots, I don't generally do much HDR as I always use grads but I thought why not so this is actually several exposures from about 4 seconds to about 1/30, the clouds have a bit of a blur as the moved during the set, I could probably do something about it but in the end I quite liked the effect :)
Absolute belter!

I agree it's a strong enough composition without a bale of hay or even straw ;)

Anyone wanting to learn about composition should look at this one. Simplicity itself. The lead line of the tractor track runs right to where the lines would be if you divided this image up using rule of thirds.

I love it :)