Ladybird (6 Spotted I think)

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Not sure how many spots it had as it was quite cosy in the connifer, looks like 6 :)

These are actually quite close uncropped images as I had all 3 tubes on at the time. I'd been unusccessfully attempting to photograph the stem of one of the flowers (the one with the little orbs on top of the hairs that I posted a few days ago) and spotted this ladybird. Anyway.. enough excuses. I could have taken the tubes off but didn't :D

(these are dialled back on the mag of course as with 3 tubes at full mag, they'd certainly be much closer)

Shots both hand held and a slight deviation from my normal settings. These are at F/13, ISO 200, 1/160th and diffused flash.



Also It was suggested to me by another photographer that I crop to bring the ladybird out of the green a touch. Here's a crop of the second image which is a slightly sharper image. I have to admit I like it more than I thought I would.

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Well the other photographer was right IMO Ian, the ladybird is the focal point but with lots of negative space (space that adds nothing to the image) it seems a little lost. By increasing the size of the ladybird and decreasing the negative space makes for a better view.
Thank you George. Comments and advice appreciated :)
I like the colour clarity in these images #3 stands out for me.
Thank you Adam.

I have to admit, it was very tempting to ramp up the saturation on the greens a touch but it was an overcast day, tones were muted anyway so the colours are pretty much out of the camera, just curves/contrast tweaks as always :)

I think the muted tones of the green are quite nice against the vibrant red of the ladybird :)